
I need a new car.

Thanks for answering the question that has vexed me since I left southwest VA. Why am I the only person that says Appal-a-chian (short a) rather than Appal-ai-chian (long a)?

Metaphorically as well.

But my Dad just spent half the weekend saying that the EPA was reason for lack of economic growth.

Or, apples to apples and get a 2014 FRS, <20k miles with a manual for less than 18 and find them everywhere.

When I was in the 6th, we were definately doing this, and somehow no one got hurt or anything. It was just a “hey you want to fight in the bathroom later” sort of thing. That is a weird sentence to type as an adult.

My first season of bird feeding was, like yours, swell and glorius. We had the best birds. Now, it’s just empty feeders and a mess on the ground. Upon watching Guardians of the Galaxy for the first time, my daughter pointed out that I am like Chris Pratt’s character going after the rats, except with squirrels, and

The squirels at my house, are ravenous and don’t stop until it is all gone. The also scare away the very, very good birds.

“We have other problems,” Mueller said.

Never had this thought till now, but I would gladly donate to a foundation that offers finacial support to people like you, people that want to become full on citizens and cannot afford it. I would consider that money well spent. Get more people voting and paying taxes. It’s silly that it isn’t practically free

So is Ford’s plan to make a Ford FJ Cruiser then? Just do it up like the early Bronco with an extra set of doors. The JK looked a little funny at first with the two new doors, but I’d say we all got used to it.

1. Know your limits.

He never really said the government was shutting them down, but the left. I can think of a handful of conservative speakers getting shouted down by protestors at colleges. There seemed like a lot of people losing jobs due to the “ooooohhhh I can’t believe he said that” syndrome.

Twelve year enlisted veteran here, current in the national guard doing my weekend a month thing. Thanks for calling out the armed forces. These people are celebrating Trump’s victory. How is this good for them, good for us?????

I decided this morning that I am no longer a bystander. I made my distaste for Trump clear to those around me, but have to keep it low key due to working as a defense contractor and wanting to work around here. That’s changing now. Great article, it’s a longer form version of the pep talk I gave my daughters this