Mr. Boognish

But what about all the women who support and believe Kavanaugh, do they not count or what? How bout all the women that have come out over the years and accused Bill Clinton of much worse, do you also feel like America has turned their back on them too? I highly doubt it. Why can’t you just be honest and admit that the

Povetkin is 39, not "forty plus". 

Whoa boy, if the author of this outstanding piece can’t even get out of the grays,what chance do I have?!!!  I see that fight the same way and what a chance Fury has to REALLY grab a piece of that sweet, sweet UK money pie.  Like Fury himself said the other day, people love a comeback story and with boxing fandom

This in no way changes the fact that Christine Blasey Ford not only “couldn’t remember” when or where this took place, all of the people she said were there have all said that they weren’t. It also doesn’t change the fact that a man who was with her for seven years said that she loved flying on his twin prop plane,

Hey buddy, see all these comments?  THAT'S society, clearly the "book" isn't closed. 

Oh cool, so as long as he only raped one person, slut shamed her into hiding and paid her off just for good measure, then all is forgiven? Go fuck yourself.

What blows my mind the most is that, at the absolute height of the #MeToo movement, Hollywood gave the guy a fucking Oscar! The very fucking foundation from which the #MeToo movement sprang, got together and didn’t blink an eye in bestowing that rapist with one of its highest honors and everyone applauded as he

Smoked for close to 25 years and after a few stop/starts with vaping, I finally nailed down the right combination of mod/tank/flavor/Nic level six years ago this past July.  I've picked up a cigarette 3 a in that period and it was a disgusting let down every single time.  I've become everything I used to hate about

It’s astounding the amount of money I’ve saved myself by taking up vaping. At $8 a pack, my two pack a day habit had me paying about $448 a month. Now, I go through one 120ml bottle every 2 weeks at $15 a bottle (that includes shipping) and I have to change my coil once a week also and pay $15 for a pack of 5. That’s

OR if the FDA has been persuaded enough by big tobacco lobbyist they it would be in their best interest to curb the billions of dollars that is being lost to vaping. 

Now, only if you're up to it, could you please show us on the chart where the dirty Juul Pen touched you? 

You could say the exact same thing for almost any beer/liquor/wine ad.  This is just flat ridiculous. 

Is there really a market for this?! If so, how do I get my hands on these products? Asking for a friend, of course... 

In every single vape store in America, they sell juice that has zero nicotine. As a matter of fact, it’s often times easier to find the “boutique” juice of your choice with zero nicotine than in the higher concentrations. Hell, I’d say that probably about 75% of juice makers only offer juice between containing between

Speaking for myself, idgaf what it looks like to others when I vape, that wasn't even a consideration when I quit smoking and took up vaping.  

Oh fuck off, it's perfectly reasonable that people would have a hard time understanding this.  Mr. Douchebag actually seemed sincere in the request for clarification and here you come, acting like a douchebag. 

Sweet Taurus bro! 

That’s not what he said. Even if that is what he meant, it’s stupid. Widgets on Android are basically live tiles but much more customizable and besides that, Windows Phones were vanilla as hell. Regular stock icons are boring you’re right, but there are some very talented people out there who make amazing icons,

I think you should stop posting about it and just ask the guy for his number already. 

You do realize that, with Android at least, there are thousands and thousands of different icon packs you can use, doesn't have to be stock?  People have been creating different icon packs from the very beginning of Android.