I’m curious how often a restraining order actually stops murder. I doubt it’s actually much at all. It just seems like they don’t care about the rules at that point. I could see it stepping up consequences of repeated harassment, though.
I’m curious how often a restraining order actually stops murder. I doubt it’s actually much at all. It just seems like they don’t care about the rules at that point. I could see it stepping up consequences of repeated harassment, though.
I never said otherwise. Art critiquing has been around for ages. It can be fun and enlightening to engage in. I wouldn’t expect someone to change their art due to this, however.
I definitely haven’t forgotten such, especially since I work in the industry and have been through this cycles many times. Feedback is often reviewed by studios. There are multiple buckets the feedback can fall into. Stuff like bugs and usability have nothing to do with the art of it, but are most likely to get…
This is great news! It’s one of the few games I have on PS4. I like the game a lot. Though, while I was playing it, I kept wishing I could play it on my PC - it would be so much better. I even hooked up the PS4 to my PC monitor. It helped a little due to better response time and better color contrast, but of course…
From the standpoint of games being art, and art being an expression from the artist(s), demanding artists make something other than what they want to express seems rather silly to me.
I live about 12 miles from the building I work in, in Seattle. For bus, I’d have to take three buses to get near my building. If everything goes perfectly, it will take about 90 minutes. Odds are, though, that timing could miss or one could be full, adding more time. I have tried the light rail a few times, two major…
An update: I purchased the game and have been playing it every night. It just keeps getting better the further I get into it. Not regretting the purchase at all. Will definitely buy any DLC they come out with.
Haven’t had to do this in many years. I just purchase, download, then play. Often within a few minutes due to having pretty high speed internet. These days, my game library is always backward compatible, too. No need to worry if my next gen PC can run my games.
Many of the negatives you list sound great and now I shall investigate this game further. I like some mystery and room for mastery.
Spot on! One of the most annoying things is when I try to do an online search for a list of X or some such then end up with a bunch of youtube videos in the search. Just give me the damn list, not some pile of videos that would take forever to get the information I want, if they even have it.
When was it $90? Its about $50 on Amazon right now.
I remember reading about this being the way it works in Japan for a bunch of companies and leading to big problems. I don’t recall all of the details but I do recall there being some points about people never leaving their job because they would have to start over again. Which lead to the highest paid workers not…
Man who proves he has no life by leveling up the fastest in an MMORPG turns out to be a douche. Hmmmmm... Well, can’t say I’m surprised.
The Last Dragon is on of my favorite movies. Sho nuff!
Yeah, a coma would likely do the job just fine. No need for death.
Cherries preserved in cherry brandy? Count me in!
I agree that there should be a line somewhere. The extremes being that everything is a choice and that nothing is a choice. Complete self control or no self control. Neither of those are true for human beings, so there must be a point in the middle that lines up with reality.
This is absolutely correct. I was so saddened to see such a great game turn into a FPS. Fallout 3 still has never been release as far as I’m concerned.