I missed that. Thank you!
I wouldn’t call it bias. Work for GM, you see broken GM products. Work for Samsung, you’ll see broken Samsung products. Work for Rolex, you’ll see a broken Rolex. I never once said they break often, but mechanical failures are part of life and I’m confident that these cars are no more vulnerable than the rest.
Work for any manufacturer, especially in service and you’ll find that they all break all the time. Nothings perfect. Just take a look at any ten year old Dodge.. It either has a hole somewhere in the body that you can put your hand through or its belching blue smoke at every light.
You’d be surprised.
Whew! Gon’ getchyourself some of that!
It depends on the situation. In most cases we are obligated to destroy the parts so they can never be used but in certain instances, such as safety related items, they often want them back. Whether it be for research, recycled value, or to hold the manufacturer liable is beyond me.
This was my first thought as well. I’d be willing to bet that Volkswagen will call for them back. I’m sure they're well aware of the small fortune to be had.
Oh, America. It’s sad to see us heading in this direction.
This is simply the sexiest SUV ever built.
Am I the only one that thought he was going to take flight when climbing that hill?
Then can I ask why you wouldn't?
This alone makes all those vents worthwhile.
How is their goodwill program a bribe? Its simply compensating their customers for their trouble in the months to come. A bribe? You suck at the media (or in America, you’ll probably do really well spewing your inaccurate trash).
The beeps, sweeps and the creeps!
I clearly missed your interest rate and commend you on your financial smarts. I’ve done similar. My apologies.
72 months? Come on. You’re the only one who lost here; you can't afford it.
Fix that fucking headlight. Please!
Not at all. I’ve managed a VW service department for nine years and in the last 30 days I’ve never seen so many people object to a recall. They simply don’t want it.
Yea, that doesn’t happen. They’re not that brazen; the OP’s full of shit.