
Cool slideshow. You guys ever consider doing some research and putting something useful together for us yourselves?

Your top-of-page ads interfere so much with the actual slide content that I’ve chosen to spend my time elsewhere.

that’s not gatekeeping that’s just...using language correctly.

Especially in this summer that was packed with great blockbuster films such as Barbie, Oppenheimer or even M:I.

Gee, dealers can’t sell cars at current prices? Maybe they should try, I dunno, selling them for lower prices? Just thinking out loud here.

Sorry, I posted mine before I saw yours.  At any rate...agreed.

How is this substantially different from a taco bell crunchwrap?

The demon is 4200lb, ctsv 4100, S class is 4700.

That’s not how Autopilot works.

Drive it BEFORE it’s stolen.

This feels like a downgrade........

That’s kind of what I got out of it.

I’m sure he was pissed or embarssed.

Owned a 2015 Highlander. Great car, but can attest to the comical third row, or lack thereof. 

Something something high seas, something something torrent.

Exactly. Like, OK we get it, you think it sucks. But if you’re writing an article about a product, at least be a little bit impartial? Throw in some jabs of course, sure. This though, is just someone who not only hates the product, but the company that makes it, the CEO of the company that makes it, and the perceived

This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve read on Jalopnik all year (and that’s saying a lot). The “extremely lopsided on paper” comment completely OMITS what was admitted in the very first paragraph: the Cybertruck is towing a copy of the car it’s racing!

Vehicle that costs the same as a Porsche beats Porsche in drag race while towing another Porsche?

I mean, it’s impressive, if nothing else. All drag races are spectacle, really.


They completely misread the Verge quote.