
But wouldn’t people ask about the effort either way? Like if you show up to running events, do people not talk to you about running until they see your bumper magnet? Do you just lean on your car and wait for someone to see your 26.2 sticker so they will engage with you?

Sorry, I thought you wanted Fury to contact G’iah to stop Dar-Benn *before* she created the unstable jump point, but you wanted him to do *after*? What’s G’iah going to do about an unstable jump point near the sun? How is that in any fucking way better than letting Carol, Monica, and Kamala — who are right there —

Sorry, you wanted Fury to call up G’iah to help them stop Dar-Benn from turning off their sun, when 1) Fury only knew that as it was happening, 2) G’iah’s on Earth while Carol is literally right there in space already trying to stop Dar-Benn, and 3) there’s no power in the SABRE station anymore.

So how did killing an AI on a planet burn out a whole star??

“I felt like I knew more than they did,” Richards said.

That subplot ruined the trajectory of the show. It was creepy, unnecessary, and so ill-conceived it’s stunning to think anyone involved was cool with it.

The only way to salvage the show is to officially make it a prequel to The Expanse.


one for the older folks...

Not to mention that I think there is actually plenty of material to explore for this one.

Some of the victims in the first one mention that “The Grabber can hear the phone too, but he doesn’t believe it.”

There is a TON of implication in the first one that there is maybe some evil back-story to the phone itself or the

I was gonna say “If you saw it, you wouldn’t think there was anything that suggested it could be a full-on franchise”

Uh, the 161 million IMMEDIATELY suggested sequel to me.  This is the horror genre.

Can we please have the same slideshow for Ford, GM, Toyota, or BMW?

As someone who has the same problem, it's actually unhealthy to fall asleep to a podcast or other noise. And nobody NEEDS it to fall asleep, we have just conditioned ourselves to do it. 

The 2000s were twenty years ago. A dollar today is worth 28.39 percent less than it was in 2002. 

I like it. But for less money you can get a G70 3.3T that will run all over this thing.

This is 100% on the driver, in my opinion. Could’ve been a cat, could’ve been a laptop computer, could’ve been a purse filled with $10,000 in cash, could’ve been a sleeping infant, could’ve been a Stradivarius. Doesn’t really matter — the driver took off with the fare’s property, obviously figured it out fairly

An cyber-thriller

Another pointless slideshow... 

got in a spout with”

You haven’t heard K-pop until you’ve heard it in the original Klingon.