“Then the negative press surely impacts their bottom line too.”
“Then the negative press surely impacts their bottom line too.”
“Keeping an edit history on the receivers phone would be very simple but Apple is not interested in respecting a user’s mental health, they only virtue signal this high and mighty stance on privacy.”
“Can’t believe the RS-E Tron isn’t on this list.”
“But you *cannot* replicate that shit. The only you are getting that sound is combustion.”
As long as we can still do test drives, I’m all for getting rid of dealerships as they currently exist. Test drives are very valuable to me; I’ve considered cars that I would not have otherwise, and I’ve also crossed off cars on my list because of a test drive.
What?!? Are you saying it’s the woman’s fault that Cosby drugged them and sexually assaulted them? Are you saying it’s the kid’s fault that Cosby took advantage of their naïveté and sexually assaulted them?
“There’s no technical difference between “whisky” and “whiskey.””
“Android watches existed years before the Apple Watch came out.”
“The Most Overrated Tourist Destinations (and Where to Go Instead)”
As a general rule, I don’t check bags (for long trips, I pack a week’s worth of clothes and use a washer/dryer/laundromat at my destinations) since Air Canada lost two my checked bags 20 years ago and I never got them back.
“Because in the end, what are you going to do with that hour at home or in the office,”
1. The Gilded Age
“Oops, sloppy typing and converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Main fridge is 39°F (4°C) and the fruit drawer is warmer. A long way from the 32° the author talks about as problematic.”
“Dropping f-bombs in a corporate boardroom or a courtroom, or while on live TV is normally highly inappropriate, but if the lights go out more speech becomes acceptable, and if an active shooter is in the building, then all speech becomes acceptable.”
At least this article wasn’t a slideshow! Sadly, that’s too rare these days...
So what is the explanation behind aging whisk(e)y then? This article says that “it will go “bad” about 2 years after you open the bottle” but when a distillery is aging a whiskey for 12 years, 18 years, 30 years, etc... it is being exposed to far more air (hence the angel’s share) than from someone keeping it in their…
Agreed! Between me and a friend, we probably have a couple hundred bottles* of whisk(e)ys, gins, rums, bourbons, etc... And some of them were first opened 20+ years ago. Never had a problem with any of them.
“Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When You’re in a Courtroom”
Sometime in May, right?