
Someone further up had said that the sound of a book being dropped could be up to 110db.  But let’s say that’s wrong.  To be clear, you are still saying that someone’s ear drum can be “torn apart” by hearing the Amber alert noise from a pair of AirPods, yes?

Sure, you can damage the hair cells in the ear and stuff, but once again, hearing damage is not the point. The point is that the parents are saying that their kid’s eardrum was “torn apart”. Having the eardrum be physically torn apart is different from temporary damage from a brief sound that is equivalent to the

But the question is whether the AirPods can generate sound loud enough to “tear apart” someone’s eardrum.  And the consensus seems to be that no, that’s not physically possible.

“while there are few people that will say that got FOMO over an office”

Yeah, this case just reeks of the parents just trying to get some money from Apple and that the Amber alert is totally unrelated to their kid’s hearing damage.

I’m responding to three different people, and I’m not going to assume that they’re going to look in different response threads to see if my reply to someone else might be relevant to their response to me.

Right, but damage sustained over time due to listening to loud music for long intervals is very different from “these earbuds made a loud sound for a couple seconds and that physically tore apart my kid’s eardrum”. The parents are very specific in saying that he always listened to things at low volume and that this one

Right, but damage sustained over time due to listening to loud music for long intervals is very different from “these earbuds made a loud sound for a couple seconds and that physically tore apart my kid’s eardrum”. The parents are very specific in saying that he always listened to things at low volume and that this one

Right, but damage sustained over time due to listening to loud music for long intervals is very different from “these earbuds made a loud sound for a couple seconds and that physically tore apart my kid’s eardrum”. The parents are very specific in saying that he always listened to things at low volume and that this one

Is it even physically possible for AirPods to generate sounds loud enough to “tear apart” someone’s eardrum?

“Also, I can never get my head around the improbable, illogical luck of a) finding a mosquito preserved in amber, at all, but then b) that mosquito actually being 65-100 million years old and not say, 20 million or 2 million or any other number”

“Android watches existed years before the Apple Watch came out.”

The Most Overrated Tourist Destinations (and Where to Go Instead)

As a general rule, I don’t check bags (for long trips, I pack a week’s worth of clothes and use a washer/dryer/laundromat at my destinations) since Air Canada lost two my checked bags 20 years ago and I never got them back.

“Because in the end, what are you going to do with that hour at home or in the office,”

Yeah, but then you still have to click through individually...

“putting Wanda on the alter of madness”


1. The Gilded Age

“Oops, sloppy typing and converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Main fridge is 39°F (4°C) and the fruit drawer is warmer. A long way from the 32° the author talks about as problematic.”