
“I’m fairly certain Janet said tardigrades, not time vortex.

Not sure why my comment is not showing up anywhere, but, I tried this app last night and out of the first 6 books I scanned, it couldn’t recognize three, even when I input the ISBN manually. And no, these weren’t obscure books. These were books like Flatland, Little Women, and Robinson Crusoe.

“I actually had to imdb her. Turns out, I’ve never seen any of her movies! (Tho “Her” is in my Netflix queue). I’m mostly only seen her in tabloids and online.”

Just downloaded the app and started scanning. 6 books in, and I’ve had to manually enter in 3already. If it can’t recognize books like Robinson Crusoe, Little Women, and Flatland, then the app is pretty useless.

I have a question for those of you that have 1Gbps connections: What speeds do you usually see for download speeds when using something like

What the heck does a video of a Surface Laptop have to do with Ant-Man or the Wasp?

What’s up with the dark picture of foliage in the middle of the article?

Isn’t this in line with what YouTube and Sling have done recently?  

This is just ridiculous.  Is there a link for us to donate money towards his university tuition?

I can’t remember the name of the documentary, but I remember seeing that method being done at the Tsukiji fish market and thinking, “that seems like a better way”.  I didn’t realize how much that would affect the taste, but in hindsight, that seems obvious.

If you’re pulling it out of the water and cooking it within an hour or two, sure, that’s the best. But otherwise, freezing it on the boat is the best way to go. Even waiting until the end of the day for a non-frozen fish means that fish isn’t as fresh as the fish that was frozen seconds after it was caught.

The idea that frozen fish isn’t as fresh as “fresh” fish is surprisingly common. A lot of times, frozen fish is more fresh than fish sold at some fish markets, much less the seafood section at the local grocery store.

“I had a colleague who spent a year studying abroad in Tokyo, but still claims that a random sushi restaurant in Ohio serves the best sushi he’s ever had.

“I’m just saying that my mind was blown when I went from buying two things a year on Amazon to nearly a 120 things a year after getting used to Prime.”

“Open the app marketplace, tap the “hamburger” menu in the upper left, and hit the Subscriptions Center option.”

I mostly love my AirPods, but occasionally, when I put them on, it takes a while to connect. About half the time, they connect within a second or two, but the other half of the time, it’ll take a solid 20-30 seconds. Any tips on solving that issue?

“But it’s also unfair to say that this is all Tesla’s fault.”

“A Predator bodying another Predator.”