
There was a mention of Waze on CarPlay.

“So only like a decade after group Skype, and 5+ years after Hangouts? Can’t wait to hear how this is “revolutionary”...”

“Specifically, it’s cheaper to Uber in Chicago, Washington DC, New York, and Los Angeles.”

“the men were attempting to steal the victim’s cyclist”

“What are the odds they make an effort right at the start of the movie to say that this is before Infinity War?”

You guys should probably remove this from the front page, since people can’t get free donuts/doughnuts today (or yesterday or tomorrow, etc...)

Why is using a pen name a mistake? Are women not allowed to use male pen names and vice versa? Are people of any gender not allowed to use pen names from a different ethnicity than their own?

“Whenever you’re reading physical media such as a book or newspaper, put a white index card above the sentence you’re reading. Placing the card under what you’re reading blocks out everything below it and helps your mind focus on the sentence you’re trying to process right now.”

““The known devices affected by VPNFilter are Linksys, MikroTik, NETGEAR and TP-Link networking equipment in the small and home office (SOHO) space, as well at QNAP network-attached storage (NAS) devices,” Talos said in the report.”

I love Sony’s photographic equipment. But they lost me as a customer when they screwed me over with their abysmal customer service.

“Yoshida recently took over from Kaz Hirai’s, who had run the company since 2012.”

“a service like Dropbox, which makes it painfully easy to upload, download, and sync your files across all your devices.”

“the self-chilling can can decrease the beverage’s temperature about 30 degrees”

“Just take a look at the ingredients. Exhibit A: Dove Body Wash. The first ingredient is water. Let’s compare that to exhibit B: Dove Beauty Bar. What’s that there as the very first ingredient? Why it’s, Sodium Lauroyl Isethionate ... commonly called soap!”

Is anyone else having issues with images/videos being cut off?

“and to also know that the keys are kept in the ignition of all cars in the lot.”

Yes, and on that front, the author says:

“Would love to have heard their explanation for the retconning of the Gauntlet itself, namely how it showed up in a previous stinger (and, to humorous effect, in Thor: Ragnarok) but was only forged just prior to the events of the films.”

“The website claims that in the 2016 MacBook Pro’s first year 165 out of 1402 “warranty events,” or instances where people brought a device in to be serviced under warranty, it studied were related to the keyboard.”

You have nothing to be sorry for!