
Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the explanation!

“melanogenesis associated transcription factor (MITF)”

“So the next movie must be about undoing a lot of this, right?”

“who was accepted at 113 colleges”

“whatever we think of them personally, the major style guides made a hard and fast decision on the issue a long time ago”

“Two spaces. Full stop. Notice the two spaces after each period.”

“But as of yet, there’s zero acknowledgment in Avengers: Infinity War of Quill’s colossal stupidity.”

“As I said to my wife: anyone who turned into petals is “going to get better” but every other actual corpse is probably dead for good.”

The author already mentioned Civil War as an example; the author mentioned previous films, so I was curious which other films.

“North Korea, backed by the Soviet Union and China, pushed past the 38th parallel and engaged with South Korean forces. In response, the United Nations Security Council authorized aid for South Korea”

“It’s not a file backup system, so you don’t get older versions of your files, but you can bring them up again.”

“directors Joe and Anthony Russo worked on that television show and have put a few winks in previous films (the Bluth stair car is at the airport in Civil War, for example)”

It is on my list of movies to watch. I read some article recently that talked about how so much of the movie was ad-libbed and how a movie like that would never get approved by the studios today.

Thanks for the explanation!

“This is about as shocking as finding out there is gambling at Bushwood.”

“Had he lost that trial he would have been on the hook for a penalty of up to $97 million dollars, which is three times the amount he made as a professional cyclist while representing the United States Postal Service.”

I’ve been out with people who will hassle me for leaving a 15%-18% tip for dine-in. They say that because I’ve never been a server before, I don’t understand, and that tipping 25% as a minimum is normal. Is it?

Not really, but kinda sorta. Let’s discuss after you see it!