We're Doomed

Just stop.  You’re stupid.

Not even close to being accurate but you are tenacious, I’ll give you that.  Keep posting these hot takes, bro!

But actually you’re a douche.

What’s your problem?

The MLB’s Joey Crawford Wannabe Shit-Show Singing Cowboy Ass-clown strikes again...

Here we are in Day Two of deliberations...  Hmmmmm...sounds like we have some jurors with “doubts.”  Idiots.

Is English your second language?  Just wondering.

This Just In: Paul Manafort’s defense team rested today without presenting a case.  No need to present a case when you know there’s jury nullification on the way.  This doucheclown is gonna walk.

Thank you for wasting our time, troll.  #youreaclown

This is AWESOME.  

Stand by.  This jury will acquit this low-life.  Watch.

Wow, your supposed moral high ground turned to shit with this dopey response.

You read wrong...

Lame. Develop a new, better character, or admit publicly that you’re actually The Salty Waitress’ burner account.


This wacky Interwebs character you play is cool.

You’re not rude, you’re just being a dick. I agree with your point, but your delivery is ignorant.  Chill the fuck out, bro.

Poor butt hurt boy can’t let it go...get a life, bro.


Give it up, clown.  You’re a joke.