Keep standing your ground, troll. LULZ!
Keep standing your ground, troll. LULZ!
Bitch, please.
Wow, you really are an asshole. Thanks for making it clear, at first I thought you just might be slow witted and not fully able to understand. Now you leave no doubt.
Whatever you say, asshole.
Her courageous vote in 2001 cements her as an American patriot and hero.
OMFG, you can’t be serious. Granted, both guys are huge assholes, there’s no way this should have ended the way it did.
Reading is fundamental...
Didn’t say I would, asshole. That’s on his family - not mine - not yours. Thanks for being a feisty jerk-off though...
Dude, you’re a simpleton. Please spare us your contrived nonsense.
I’m sorry, but this man has to go. If I’m any kind of kin to Mr. McGlockton, I’m hunting this POS down and taking him out. Just saying...
Easy Fix: Get out and VOTE!!
Bless your heart. Thanks for sharing.
Monique, John hasn’t been a part of Howard’s show for over 10 years now. He left many year’s ago to take a job as an announcer on Jay Leno’s stolen Tonight Show.
I’ve driven past her dump of a restaurant and never once had the urge to go in. I’ll never go in now. Looking forward to the Out of Business sign soon.
Still pissed off that Academy robbed Stallone. Those bastards...
Stupid bitch and her fucktard overrated husband.
Someone should sue his guitar teacher. His music sucks ass.
Fascinating. Thank you. Idiot.
Silly Troll. Thanks for playing!