
Thanks for all the great articles, Mike. I hope you safely return home.

I was literally just thinking this morning that we need a new Todd Solondz film. Spooky.

Hi, police? Come quick, there’s been a murder.

Yeah, if something gets a B– from every reviewer, RT will list it at 100%. To be fair, RT doesn't hide this and does encourage you to read individual reviews, which is still the best way of establishing whether a movie is good or not.

100% on RT doesn’t mean a film is good, it just means that it failed to annoy anyone.

The American version will be awful because there’s no real cultural diversity in the United States. Someone from, say, Utah wouldn’t find themselves confused and alienated by music from Rhode Island. Eurovision is great because it’s a window into all these strange countries that feel like alien worlds.

Underrated comment

The best Eurovision song was Sebastien Tellier


Yeah, but what if the stranger was Joe Jonas?

Missed the chance to say the Joseph Gordon Levee has broken.

The entire Mars mission is absolute bullshit PR nonsense. SpaceX is about putting his shitty satellites in orbit, nothing else.


Given his track record, Musk will probably go on to claim that he founded SNL, that he’s the mind behind all of their sketches, and that he’s a once-in-a-generation genius who spotted Eddie Murphy’s raw talent. And people will believe him.

Leos Carax, Sparks and Adam Driver is a weird combo but I would like six seasons and a movie of this, please.

It’s hilarious how much he looks like Gus Johnson

Well, yeah, that’s why he’s appearing in Season 33 of The Simpsons.

Abe Simpson voice:

The Matrix is the only brand-new-for-theatres franchise on the list, other than low-budget horror and animation. This is kind of OPs point - big movies used to have original premises but nobody likes doing that any more.

Hot take: they're both bad.