
Fast and Furious is a remake of an old movie. Pirates is a remake of an old theme park ride.

This is much better than “Drivers License”. Good for her, she seems like a really talented and sincere artist.

He looks like this guy I know who sucks



“It looks like homework” is exactly my impression, and an apt description of the BvS:DoJ experience.

Being truly dreadful didn't hurt Avatar 1

Ben Shapiro is a tiny fascist journalist and deserves to get fucking rekt respect.

Yup. I was also 5 and I was fucking terrified for several years after. Scared shitless that a weird talking poop was hiding in the shadows at night.

I think the new version is just the bad kind of bad

It's actually Camp Wattaffok

We should have listened to The New Radicals all those years ago.

Yes, the entire derivatives market is greedy and immoral and does far more harm than good.

I predict this movie will be frustratingly mediocre. Neither bad enough to satisfy the haters or good enough to meet the expectations of the #SnyderCult. In six months, you’ll ask when the Snyder Cut came out, and somebody will tell you it came out a few months ago, and you’ll wrinkle your nose and say, “oh yeah, I

Qanon the Barbarian

I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to him a few times and he is an absolute gentleman. A really warm and kind man.

I once saw a picture of a guy with an Alien Ant Farm tattoo.

Clare DePaul’s TikToks have been consistently hilarious. I’ve laughed at this one more than any other piece of digital content this year.