Dān Jurzōn

And now Ima throw rocks at the squirrels in my yard. Git, ya filthy vermin!

You're speaking as though you've personally explored their tender psyches through intense investigative analysis and now know conclusively, beyond a shadow of a doubt, with perfect existential certainty that they've all been nothing more than conniving, scheming, emotionally disengaged gold digging vixens, as opposed

No one expected Trump to actually beat out 16 or more Republicans for the nomination, and he prolly wouldn't have if there weren't so many gullible, primitive brained, unconsciously racist, fucking pathetically stupid right leaning morons in this country. Not all on the right are so miserably oblivious, but just

Not all societies. I understand the sponge and coral societies are exceptionally social, and they're 98% atheists. 2% are Scientologists.

They "create" "music" for rolling, self fascinated, digital age zombies. Not impressed.

As poor a choice as Hilary Clinton may have been, her perceived awfulness pales in comparison to the deluded, demented, deranged, corrupt craven buffoon that is Trump. Only an ideologically blinded, intellectually stunted and pathologically paranoid nitwit could have failed to know and see just how despicably self

The GOP is by practice the Reactionary Party, perpetually recoiling in shock and revulsion from the weak and unmanly emotionalism of the Bleeding Heart Liberal Democrats. They take unnatural pride in distinguishing themselves from the Mush Minded Left Wing Radical Hippy ethos which they believe drives the Liberal

I might be wrong, but it sounds to me as if my comment has struck a particularly sensitive nerve with you. You take offense to me calling foul on an old scraggly geezer exploiting the naive vulnerability of an ambitious, overly trusting woman/child, but you have no problem, apparently, with the predatory fossil,

Not everything has to be elegant, perfectly mannered tea parties and graceful promenades through manicured pristine show gardens. No, some of us do enjoy the occasional nose tweak or ribald quip, or even a crassly cretinous, grotesquely obscene, nauseatingly vile expression of complete and utter depravity, but even we

And when people start to police the use of the word "Nazi" so sternly, so uncompromisingly, well, we might as well be living in Communist Naziland. Bazzinga!

"Date" is an excruciatingly polite euphemism for what he's doing to those hopelessly naive, pitifully trusting, tragically vulnerable ingenues, Gawd help them.

Defies the Laws of Relativity, don't it?!

Dollars?! I thought you Koala Wranglers got paid in Boomerangs, or Kangaroos, or Fosters Vouchers.


Word on the street is Woods is packing a massive dick. Oh, my mistake, the scuttlebutt is that he is a massive dick. No wait, it's both.

In making himself into the towering success he truly is—as well as a model citizen and paragon of virtue—Trump had not the benefit of such extravagant, spine softening assistance as the NEA or NEH, and therefore no one deserves any more of a hand up, dammit, than the ones one's own multimillionaire father repeatedly

I know that feeling. I was a small undersized kid and teen who was frequently picked on, but then later in my late 20's, after having had a late growth spurt that took me to 5'11" and working out in the gym, I was able to confront and intimidate a particularly formidable asshole. When he backed down I felt such a rush

While it's true that Trump has been a political phenomenon for at least 2 years—if not longer—and in that time it seems reasonable that some candidacy-ending incriminating info could and should have been dug up by any competent investigative reporters worthy of the title, it's also an unrealistic expectation in the

Trump is using the Presidency, or hoping to, for his own enrichment along with that of his Cabal of Corrupt Cronies. He presently isn't anywhere as wealthy as he purports to be—largely as a result of his failed domestic operations such as the bankrupt Casinos and related interests—but after 4 years in office, thanks

Beautifully written, superbly reasoned, satisfyingly accurate appraisal of this unfortunately embarrassing moment for one of the nation's normally most astute and dependable political commentators. Brava! or Bravo! or Bravao?!?!