Dān Jurzōn

It is a semi indefinite pronoun. So, maybe?!

They transmogrify into pure harmonic tones of absolute ecstatic bliss.

The Burghers of Calais were promptly rounded up and frozen in carbonite.

Downvoted for upvoting. JK

Such a sternly principled and stoically solemn individual as yourself can surely appreciate the sad irony of your petty, trite indignation. Surely.

I was deeply moved by her personal tale of deprivation and misery in the harrowing world of high fashion.

And the Pleathers are so practiced at mimicking superior grade genuine animal hide upholstery they're udderly indistinguishable.

Me? If I even smell someone use the words Facebook and Alex Jones in the same sentence within a comment on an otherwise moderately humorous and convivial chat thread on a media centric, moderately popular website I immediately despise that person 3.9% more than if I hadn't seen that person use those unfortunately

Well, then my work here is undone.

No, no, you're perfectly accurate and right with your critique; your miserably smug and mind numbingly tedious critique. Ha! No, you are absolutely spot on with your astute appraisal of my dreadfully, inexcusably bland, unfunny quip. I'm truly not worthy of the meager energy which you and I have expended in this

As a deep thinker and possessor of a massive social conscious I find your fetishization of comment/upvote ratios to be disturbing as well as emblematic of the utter failure of our emphatically, pitifully shallow populist culture. So, of course, I upvoted you. Yoink!

But, but, I'm fighting the terrorists, with my aggressive consumerism!

Nice. The Squire Tele is a surprisingly musical piece with respectable construction, but I much prefer the pickups on a genuine Tele, because they have that unmistakable rich, twangy midrangey Tele tone. I know, I'm a snob. But I also love the old Japanese made '72 Tele Deluxe with its twin humbuckers. It's a sound

OK, the gaping, massive problem with that scene from The Path is it's supposed to be occurring immediately after some sort of massive natural disaster where the trailer park has been utterly devastated, but somehow all the damage and debris is neatly contained to the property lines and isn't on the roads, at all. That

I didn't care for the original movie. It had some humorous gags here and there, but I was bored by its unironic commitment to it's emphatically juvenile premise. Same as I am with Republicans!

So, it's Sophie the Crackwhore's choice.

Oh, you're lucky. I keep getting: "Your life is but a plodding, inexorable parade of mercilessly relentless tedium. Sux 2 B U."

"But I always blow through them way too fast" - That's what she said! If she was a meth head. And a literalist.

…just the happy ending.

It'll make yer pinky stinky.