Dān Jurzōn

I didn't say I understood the situation better than all Americans or Europeans, just most. That's because unless you've lived for a considerable period of time in another society it's very hard to truly appreciate the internal dynamics and forces which guide and shape that society. Even if you've travelled to other

Actually, no. I'm filling you in on one of the sources of their intense hatred of the Western Powers. If you choose to perceive any and all factual information as propaganda for the "enemy." well, that's on you. That's your own doing and your own problem, unless you choose to make it everyone else's problem…

No, Turkey certainly isn't a typical post colonial nation recovering from decades of abuse and exploitation, true, but the fundamental Muslim radicals have been influencing their "brethren" all throughout the Mideast, Asia, Africa and even Europe and the USA. My point—dull as it is—doesn't attempt to blame the

Factoids implanted into the brain - yep, that's I paid for at University.

And to keep out the Mexicans!

Was there a constant hail of bullets riddling the screen from six shooters, because Texas?

Don't any of the other commenters call the mod out for being less than civil and apparently ignorant?

Men do all the violence because women drive 'em to it. Ha! Jocularity.

See, that's the ignorant, self satisfied, and unnecessary hostility I'm talking about. Your repulsive demeanor is typical of the arrogant, ignorant, mercenary Western Powers who for decades have imposed their selfish ignorance upon so many less defensible, weaker, more vulnerable nations around the globe, and have

As a child I lived for 6 years in a Muslim nation in West Africa—Guinea, which was recently in the news for being one of the nations where the Ebola virus has killed so many people—and they were not militant or fanatical about their faith and rarely if ever were their strict religious beliefs and practices an issue


I think, having followed this thread thus far, you do have to admit that @JEeng may actually have a point seeing as how hard it's turned out to be for people to name more than one or two "awesome" lesbian character. It's a fair complaint that historically lesbians have been an underrepresented and misrepresented group

I believe Roseanne's fluctuating sympathies are more a result of her well known lifelong struggles with mental health. She's manic depressive bi-polar so maybe her meds aren't always working well, or maybe she goes off of them. She isn't the Chancellor of Politics for America, so don't sweat it too hard. But Trump?!

Ubsofuckinklutely right. The right to take a cheap shot at the nation's anthem IS classic Americana and is the bedrock freedom for which this country ostensibly stands. Goddammit.

He's the illegitimate psychotic cousin of Princess Twilight Sparkle Pony.

I think there are a lot of people spread all over the country who were initially hopeful or even enthusiastic about a Trump presidency who may have more recently begun to lose or have already lost faith. I know that my hard core fire breathing anti Obama anti Clinton Republican brother is utterly bewildered and even

And Trump didn't actually fund his campaign with his own money but rather lent his campaign his money which he plans to repay himself either by keeping money that he accepts for his general election which he is not self funding, and possibly from fund raisers and other sources. He's not gonna just toss away all 40

Back in the day there were always comedians and clowns running for president—such as Will Rogers, Gracie Allen, Pat Paulsen, Wavy Gravy, and more recently Stephen Colbert—and they did it clearly and undeniably as stunts. Roseanne is or was doing this, too, but she's more committed to the satirical aspect of her bit,

The AV Club

No, I don't think that's quite right. Dan Connors was possibly inclined to be a moderate Republican only because of his stint as a small business owner, but even then he wasn't a self righteous, overly deluded, angry arrogant cry baby. Roseanne Connors would more likely have been a Democrat with her ballsy feminist