
I know, what’s even the point of the train? Why should I pay MORE to travel SLOWER? where does this make sense.

No, first class is like $800+/seat more.

It’s also a testament to the fact that passenger air transport is mostly deregulated and brutally competitive. The airlines know nearly everyone price-shops on tickets, so they do everything possible to keep costs down.

Flying is cheap if you can afford it.

This here is what we Philly fans call, “Fuck you for being right.”

You never kick someone in the head. Perfect way to turn a harmless drunken brawl into a prison sentence for manslaughter.

Damn you sir. I was gonna make this joke. But like Sam, my release was too slow.

However, unfortunately that chip is a bone spur and it will take 3 months to heal.

I don’t disagree with you but Bradford isn’t a good QB. On his best day he is serviceable. There are lots of good serviceable QBs. Every team is looking for a good QB and need to bring in serviceable ones as back-ups or placeholders. That's what Bradford is at this point in his career. He can play a lot of years and

15 Harrowing Days: The 2014 NFL Season

Now he’s gonna play with a chip on his shoulder. Which, admittedly, is better than playing with a Chip on your sideline.

My attention and efforts are focused on the participation in and preparation for a championship season:

“When in doubt, side with a convicted child molester” seems like a solid policy

Uh, you realize that by driving, you are significantly more dependent upon government for your ride to work, right? The roads, lights, subsidies for car manufacturers and oil companies, safety and licensing regulations and enforcement, environmental cleanup from problems and on and on and on.

Americans consider public transportation something only poor people use which is why politicians and voters don’t care about it. Every other industrialized “big government” country in the world seems to be able to provide their citizens with clean, well-functioning public transportation....primarily because they

Well, little government certainly never built anything like the NYC subway. Main difference between say NY and Paris is that the French government allocates money to maintain important infrastructure while the US congress argues about whether to hold another meaningless vote on the affordable care act.

“Tell ‘em Large Marge sent ya!”

This drag racer knows the feeling.

In Soviet Russia, joke laughs at you!