
Nope, no way to make birds racist.

How long before this motherfucker is a part of the Braves front office?

Tim Lee is “going to embrace God’s plan.”

“Mr. Trump, are you playing Pokemon Go?”

So how is it the NBA didn’t fine their players for wearing the Eric Garner ‘I can’t breathe’ shirts...yet the WNBA fines players making 1/50th of the salary for wearing something similar?

Unbeknownst to everyone involved the media blackout has been going on since 1997, unless you have ESPN 8 “The Ocho”

If the WNBA let this go unpunished then most people wouldn’t have heard about it. But thanks to their desire to crush the expression it actually got way more publicity than any normal WNBA coverage gets.

I think this counts as irony.

Is there a precedent for a sports league taking a strong stance against policy like this?

You never mentioned whether she’d had the fish too!


Fitzpatrick played quarterback at Harvard. It’s rarely mentioned when talking about him, just thought you’d like to know.

Watkins Glenn 2011 was even better.

So this was the first fight that either had ever been in, right? I mean, I’m not advocating violence by any means, but holy fuck. What was that shit? With no sarcasm intended whatsoever, I’ve seen playground fights that were better than this.

1 race win, but 11 podiums. Also, not an ounce of the engine’s sound is artificial. No mufflers, no resonators, no sound generating computers.

This graphic really gives the course some perspective.

It looks like a cheesy 80's TV show where they up the frame rate to show speed. Dude’s movin!

Now playing

Just show the person running. I HATE how they cut away as though if they don’t show it, no one will do it. As long as alcohol is sold at stadiums, people will continue to run on the field. Show them running then getting hit by security. That will discourage it more than not showing it.

It just sucks how everything today reminds you of Muhammad Ali, even a random pitcher for the Oakland A’s.

Dear IOC,