
The real question is: why do stars and their entourages allow these kind of sleazebags to interview them? Is Selena Gomez that desperate for promo or attention? It's not like they don't have a choice.

I was bored out of my skull during the pilot of JJ.

15 or so years ago there was a guy on a newsgroup(!) who at one point got invited to visit Tina and Chris at home. Which he mentioned in just about every newsgroup post he posted afterwards; he always shoehorned in a mention of it (along the lines of "your mention of coffee reminds me of the fine brew I was served by

Didn't Obama just say The Knick was his favorite series?

Or seen Demi Moore's nude pictorial(s) from when she was 18, as published in Oui and the Spanish edition of Penthouse in the early 1980s.

What is "His job his a large part of who he is and he’s killed." supposed to mean?

Nice how they incorporated that thing about the church roof collapsing. IIRC in Red Dragon Lecter is collecting articles about such events.

"Mr. Selfridge" isn't a BBC show, it's an ITV show. ITV is one of the commercial broadcasters in the UK.

She hasn't been one since her divorce from Tom Cruise.

Please note: her name is Cheryl Boone Isaacs, not Cheryl Boon Isaacs.

IMO "Can't We All Just Get Along" is just part of Valerie's arsenal of outdated jokes and references.

In fact, plenty of playlists are known, since even back then concerts were often taped by audience members. Moreover, RRD is simply not a song he wrote, so the chances of him doing that song live? Nil. Oh, and Prince performed at Masonic Temple Auditorium in Detroit in 1982 and 1986. Your story can't be 1986 since by

Actually, it was a video of a kid dancing and one of his songs was playing in the background. He eventually lost that case, but it is still a particular lowpoint, which is somewhat of a feat considering Prince has done numerous dicktastic things over the years. There's a reason so many of his former collaborators

There are several versions, actually. One of those longer versions was edited down so "Take Me With U" could be included. There's also an extended version of "Let's Go Crazy", and the album version of "Purple rain" is actually a shorter version of the original live recording.

From the same book: A former-girlfriend told me, “He has great respect for women. And a blatant disrespect and disregard for women. Not when he’s speaking to you, but in his actions. They’re not genuine. He’s not honest. He’s not a good husband. He gets bored easily. He’s not monogamous. He’s very controlling. And

Nope, this happened naturally. Some scenes of Batman were cut to Prince songs ("1999" and "Baby I'm a Star"), he was asked to approve and instead he visited the set and became inspired to deliver a bunch of new music (dude used to be a nutter for Gemini-type crap, i.e. Batman/Joker and good/bad being both sides of the

FYI "River Run Dry" is only song on The Family's album NOT written by Prince, and was only performed once live — and that was not by Prince, but by The Family during their one and only concert.