
Honestly, I have to get this off my chest... my love of the automotive industry is what turned me away from the right-wing.

I was massively GOP for a long time, thanks to my father. He was a Limbaugh/Drudge/FoxNews addict. Otherwise a good, decent man, but a lifetime of believing right-wing propaganda. I, personally,

Hands down, not even a contest. Especially the one that came out with the TRD exhaust. I hear them on the track and it’s like walking past an old lady making walking farts.

Honestly fuck Tesla forever, but if you’re in the driver’s seat and have been adjusting it for 90 seconds within the span of 5 minutes, you shouldn’t have been driving the car to begin with. Seriously, use a stopwatch to get to 90 seconds, it’s an eternity.

One car family here. Motorized seats allow for memory settings. Eliminates a huge annoyance. 

What is the part of having brakes failure you don't understand ? 

I used to be selected for jury duty every year or two and they’d bring me as far as they could without having to discount me from selection for seven years. Finally, in comments as to why I shouldn’t be selected for jury duty, I wrote that I go by my own code which may or may not coincide with the law written to

Do you not know how that would work? Universal healthcare would be paid for by taxes. Every taxpayer would be contributing towards the cost of healthcare for everyone. Which means, yes, other people would be paying for my healthcare, but I would also be paying for their healthcare, and I would also be paying for my

+1 for correct spelling of “lede”

I have never had an account. I have no clue why people use it.

I could take or leave heated seats. But cooled seats, those I want in every car I own going forward. 

They have several outputs.Bilge,toilet,etc.
You’re right in thinking pressure is an issue.They pump things out at high pressures and have rules and depth limits on these tasks,depending on how the sub is designed

I can smell cigarette smoke 100 yards away, and weed smoke even farther. I smell cigarette smoke in moving traffic from the car in front of the one in front of me.

Eff the assholes that drive around with tow balls installed even though they might only tow something once or twice a year.

I think you have the color/door style of the cars backwards. Unless they changed something, the M4 is two-door, and the M3 is a sedan.

Another example that people don’t get away with crimes because they simply aren’t smart enough to pull it off.

I’ve driven my Giulia (thanks for choosing that as the main photo, Torch) for three years now without a front plate. I just couldn’t bear to ruin that beautiful nose. Luckily, no California cop has decided to pull me over for it.

Early 2000 VAG product. Run, don’t walk away from this “deal”. I see nothing but pain and money flowing from your wallet for the future owner of this car.

I paid less than this for a nicer example of the exact same car back in 2012. Same color, trim, everything except a light gray interior with 78,000 miles. I loved that car. Even when I traded it in in 2015 for a leftover Honda Insight, they gave me $5200 for trade in, so I gotta say... its a little bit crack pipe.

If you have nothing of value to say, why bother say anything at all?