With the correct equipment, a thief can drive off with just about any car in less than a minute, but the equipment is likely to be a lot more sophisticated and expensive if it is able to clone a smart key.
With the correct equipment, a thief can drive off with just about any car in less than a minute, but the equipment is likely to be a lot more sophisticated and expensive if it is able to clone a smart key.
That out of pocket money you are referring to is less than $5 in my case, you can buy the replacement batteries just about anywhere.
I'm not sure why is losing the smart key more of a problem than losing the rest of her keys? It can be clipped onto a regular key chain you know...
That's why it's a good idea to read your owners manual. Mechanical key cylinders are also subject to failure, in fact I've had that happen. I'll bet I can hit that button 3 times in so close to the same amount of time it takes you to turn off a metal key as it makes no difference, but the amount of time I save not…
Call me crazy, but wouldn't it have been a lot simpler to move the keys away from the bike where it couldn't be started without having them on you?
With Nissan/Infinti proximity keys, you press the start/stop button 3 times in rapid succession or hold it down for more than 2 seconds to stop the engine in case of emergency, and it tells you this in the owners manual. Also, my smart key has been through the wash and still worked fine afterwards. It is an…
The last car I had with manual crank windows was an '85 toyota camry, and the drivers door window mechanism had failed on it by the time it was 9 years old. Given enough time any system will break or malfunction.
Did you try hitting it 3 times in rapid succession or holding it down for 2 seconds or more like the manual instructs?
I understand this may not have been your car, and therefore may not be familiar with the owners manual, but in section 5 page 7 it tells you: (paraphrasing) "in case of emergency the engine can be stopped while driving by pressing the on/off button 3 times in rapid succession or by pressing and holding it for more…
I'm with you on this. If your keys exit the vehicle, it alerts you to that fact but the car doesn't shut off. I like that feature as well. It will not allow you to lock your key in the car, which has happened to me on more than one occasion (not with the new smart key but the old metal keys). If (God forbid) you…
I agree with this. The Miata is limited to buyers who would consider a 2 seater, which I would not. A back seat, no matter how small, is still a place to stash your rug rats.
I never assumed anything. I was always supportive and told him as long as he had fun that was all that mattered. I don't really think he believed that though, it was the last year he played that sport. Either he didn't believe it or maybe it just wasn't fun for him.
They are trying to avoid civilian casualties. If they stay back a bit, the runner won't drive so fast that he loses control, possibly head-on into traffic.
I looked at/test drove a genesis coupe just before I got my G37 coupe. Ultimately, I got what I really wanted. The styling just really doesn't do it for me, and they wanted about the same amount of a lease payment for it with an admittedly much lower residual.
I have never really been into competitive sports, this probably stemming from the fact that as a child I was not very good at them, and I don't like to lose all the time. My son played little league baseball a couple of years ago, and it became apparent to me that the way the teams were selected was by grouping kids…
My wife has no problem craning her neck over to my side so she can make that comment.
You're kidding right? I love my G37 coupe but the G35 coupes have depreciated so much every ricer can afford one. Even the '08 G37 coupes have lost half their value. I think this has to do with the high initial price, which causes lots of people to lease this car. As a result the market is flooded with off-lease…
I disagree. The considerate thing to do if you are first at the stoplight is to go as quickly as possible so the people behind you waiting can also go sooner. Nothing is worse than the person in front at a stoplight who hesitates and/or moves slowly.
Believe it or not, it bothers me just to get behind someone else who is smoking in their car. Unless you are driving with your windows (all the way) up, and NOBODY does that, even in -20 degree weather, I smell it coming into my vents, even when my windows are up. I get you feel you have the right to do it when you…