
Nothing changes the fact that America is getting blacker, browner, gayer and more Muslim and nothing, in the end, will stop that. Those who support neo-nazism will be in an ever shrinking minority. Sure, they can wage an insurgency forever, but as the government grows more diverse, these assholes will become ever more

Two words: ranch dressing

I don’t know if I can handle 4 years of this monkey fucked nightmare.

We’ve been saying for ever now but it bears repeating: Fuck You, Mike Pence.

I hope that tacky cheap shithole where Chump lives on the coast of Florida gets swallowed whole by a climate change-fueled storm.

At this moment, anal zit Donald Trump is putting together a team to basically stick the last nail into the earth’s coffin.

Is there a single person involved with this clusterfuck who isn’t a total devil?