
"I know, I'll drive my car into a lake"
-in Russian, probably

Funny, she doesn't look druish

She's gone plaid!

Up until I read this comment, I was thinking that the analogy, while funny, was pretty forced, but this one comment added some major depth to it. Way to go, internet stranger, you are awesome.

Southern hemisphere America!

Further to this, even if they do, it'll likely be a classic GM parts bin special, whereas the Tesla will likely have nicer finishes, etc. GM does not a cheap good car make.


Small, cheap mid-engined RWD cars.

With Rust, XTREME!




They wrecked his WRX

The 00-01 GT-S is the way to go. Lift bolts literally cost $2 each and takes about 5 minutes to replace, and then you get the stock redline of 8,250. I guess you could always swap in the 00-01 ECU and swap out the knock sensor to achieve the same thing, but lift bolts are way easier.

I see some around my city, and am building a 2ZZ to boost (and have the matching 6 spd), so mine, soon, will effectively be a GT-S. I even swapped in the disc brakes.

I was trying to find a GT-S to post, but I agree. Such a fun little car.

The funniest thing about his quote is that heterosexual sex leads to death just as much as homosexual sex does. Everything leads to death, due to the unrelenting march of time and our puny biological machines.

"so are you guys going to start your lap time?"


Also, did you ever look into getting a hardtop for it?