
With a few extra USB devices, I can do anything with my laptop that I can do with my phone, with the exception of put it in my pocket. Try programming, compiling and emulating a smartphone application on a smartphone.

I realize that Adam was working when he wrote this article, but I'm only reading it because I'm enjoying some downtime at work.

@LeitoFTW: I never understood the car commercials where they depict an ordinary person driving an ordinary car in an ordinary way down an ordinary road and they show "Do not attempt". They might as well put "Do not buy this car" on their ad.

I bought some dehydrated water, but I don't know what to add. —Steven Wright

@NixonsGhost: Shutting down the root DNS servers would be a good start. There are only a dozen or so.

Dear Giz,

Yo, Dawg! I heard you like Google TV so I put a Google TV in yo' Google TV so you can Google while you Google!

@Darth_something_cool_but_evil: And then both get run over after ignoring a software developer telling them that they were listening to the track of an oncoming train.

@The Beard: I wish I could promote that.

@Sabbatai: Why? The stuff in the picture isn't meat.

@FermentedDischarge: You might think a smartphone would be a fantastic thing to put in a time capsule now but it'll be garbage in a hundred years, too. Besides, you can find 100-year old newspapers in an archive. A 1000-year capsule would be a bit more interesting.

Anyone else see the face on the left side of the pic on that sheet metal?

@Xenolite: Or you could curb overpopulation. But that's just plain silly!

@Timstuff: outdated? It's not like the games are being changed. And it's a nostalgia keepsake. Something that guests look through when they sit on the couch and say, "Awesome, I remember this game!" And then you get to talk about classic adventure games with them.

This completely redefines 'Jello Shot'.

The reason why humans have forward-facing eyes is because we are predators and need to accurately judge distance to and focus on a single prey.

@BobbinBrain: A gas planet as big or bigger than our sun wouldn't be a planet. It would have enough mass to trigger fission and become a star. Jupiter only needed to be a couple of tens of times larger to be a star.

12 Monkeys.