
My $10 says this software update will detect when the antenna is being bridged and display a message explaining how to hold the phone differently.

@avconsumer2: I think it was a play on words. Gravity siezes things XD

@bonedog73: look into downloading a nes or snes emulator

@SEDAGIVE?!: I was about to try to scan this code before realizing it would be difficult, seeing how I was using my phone to browse gizmodo. Maybe if I use some mirrors ....

I've played just about every Zelda game there is and never noticed (or cared if nothing else) that he was left-handed or right-handed. Why do people think it makes a difference?

An African tradition ... made in China.

@LeonBA: Lol. Maybe the arrow went through that tiny window on the front of the tank.

I'll be fine with this living by myself. Unless, of course, my cat figures out how to talk. But imagine the chaos if you had a parrot.

@Győző Baki: That works until I hear you say the password to unlock it.

@ThinkerTDM: Yeah, just look at what massive amounts of oil did to Saudi Arabia. Those guys are really poor.

Am I the only person that would definitely prefer the radishes to the chocolate chip cookies?

@geeniusatwrok: The place in the airport is terrible compared to the actual Salt Lick restaurant some miles away. I'm not sure why anyone would even try eating a breakfast taco made by a bbq restaurant. Tex-Mex != BBQ.

Before the interwebs or all these free 3D design tools, I made a scale model of my bedroom including the door, closet, windows, and all the furniture using paper and cardboard so I could rearrange the room easily when I was 9. Hands on ftw.

@Foxhack: 85 out of 100,000,000 isn't so bad =p

I've actually been in the habit lately of deciding to sleep on the couch after a late night of tv/movies. All I need is a decent throw pillow and a fleece blanket. I've never overslept, and I've never wanted to go back to sleep (on the couch) once I've woken up.

@englishman: If wi-fi could kill a bird in a split second, I think the US military would be "browsing the web" a bit more.

@PadreScout: Not exactly. Both result in a monoalphabetic substitution, but the keyboard shift uses a qwerty alphabet with a shift of 1 instead of abcde alphabet with an unknown shift. So a real Caesar Shift would actually be much more secure in this case.

@Fernando Jorge: @PimpSalad: Time is not a factor in this game because you don't control it - as far as I know - and can't go back in time. You simply move back and forth in the 4th dimension and observe the perceived 3d changes of the 4d objects. In the video, he moves 1 ring forward in 4d so that it no longer