
@jedbeetle: Controller inputs are usually polled once a frame in an FPS and the result is applied immediately when applicable. Any lag that you might sense in an FPS is probably due to animation speed. Jumping wont happen immediately because the character model actually has to move into a jump-ready stance first,

@Shinta: The day I saw a movie at an Alamo Drafthouse Cinema and ordered a pitcher of Hoegaarden, watched old film clips instead of commercials before the previews, and didn't have to listen to noisy teenagers because it was 21 and over was the day I never went to a regular theater again if I didn't have to.

@fuchikoma: Who'd want to play a 10th generation sports video game? Don't they already have 9 identical ones? But I totally agree that Mass Effect 2 is a bit more entertaining than 90% of the tripe that Hollywood produces.

@Fluorine: Photo-bomb other players? That would actually be pretty entertaining, haha. But what I was trying to say is that Natal uses the facial recognition to determine (guess) who is logging on. After that it just watches movement and can easily differentiate between multiple people (moving objects) in the

@lionkitten: whoa... I wonder how many people actually have that many friends on Live. I have maybe 20, haha. Wouldn't the Friends bar on the dashboard need to be reworked to manage that many avatars?

@For_the_love_of_games: Natal can use up to 10% but it depends on what the application is. If a game only uses Natal to detect if you lean left or right to "look around" a corner, that's not going to be using anywhere near 10% CPU.

@mrjoeyyaya: Natal uses facial recognition so it knows who is playing. And it can certainly use the feature for multiplayer although it has to use fewer tracking points per person.

@mcr_fan: "for f*s sake", fyi. Didn't another review say it wasn't going to be HTC branded at all? It clearly has a logo on the back now.

Did this remind anyone else of the strip tease scene in True Lies? #heavyrain

@Kenny: Mmmmm, I love colons!: you forgot Olestra

@FrankieViturello: Agreed. But blackberries and pepper sounds fairly interesting. I'm probably going to give most of them away anyway to friends that would like the label.

@Perrine: At 4210 Harper Lane, woman expecting a masquerade mask opens a package and finds a platinum edition copy of Bioshock 2.

@searanox: "Ever heard of 'square peg, round hole'?"

Considering that Nintendo started off selling card games, it would be really cool if they started making board games like this.