It must be hell for him trying to organize his pictures. “This one was taken at some point in the last 40 years, but I have no idea when.”
It must be hell for him trying to organize his pictures. “This one was taken at some point in the last 40 years, but I have no idea when.”
Oh come on, don’t try to pass off a 2042 pic for a 2024 one...
Here’s what Patrick Stewart will actually look like in 2024.
Let’s not forget the time John Wayne played Genghis Khan! A movie so bad it *killed* half the people involved!
Yeah, Montalban hasn’t been doing much work lately. Death is a real impediment in that regard.
A one Wuman show, if you will.
That’s a cute ass fucking hamster. What the hell is her issue?
I know, right?
Right and I like how the government that does things like, I don’t know, set up nature reserves for him to quite literally shit on is somehow automatically a worse steward of our natural resources than the guys who want to overgraze delicate ecosystems for more money.
Not to mention (which you did not) the moral implications of a few companies and their CEOs getting stinking rich off the misery, and even deaths, of others as they are turned down for coverage or fucked with severely.
That should be illegal. Straight up fucking illegal.
This goes to show just how screwed up our health care/insurance system is in the U.S.
Why do they do this? Why can’t these companies just pay the artist for their work fairly? I can’t imagine the subsequent lawsuits are cheap and probably cost as much as paying her from the get go might. Even more, if it’s not a super popular product to begin with.
The alternative is to stop telling victims to go to campus police instead of the city’s police. University police are more concerned with keeping things quiet than in providing justice.
I grew up in rural Minnesota. Every single 14 year old dude I knew had a gun. Plenty of them were busy with harmless activities while also owning guns. hell, most of them considered the fact that they were teenagers who owned guns as evidence that they were good moral Christian Americans. The primary difference here…
I don’t mean this rudely, but so what? My point still stands, which is that if he is even actually involved in criminal activity, he stands a good chance at rehabilitation. This train isn’t derailed. He can still grow up into a great person no matter what he allegedly did, provided our society deems him worthy enough…
14. If (big if) he was involved in some delinquent activity, he is still young enough to have a good shot at rehabilitation.
1. Fuck you
Here’s my current cop beef. There are good cops and bad cops, just like any other profession. The difference between them and other professions is the need to defend rather than disavow the bad ones. I’m a teacher and my first thought when I hear about something horrible a teacher did is that they have disgraced the…
She’s always seemed like a giant asshole, and she has no talent and doesn’t seem particularly bright. Christina may be a diva (I have no idea, she’s always seemed nice to me in interviews) but at least she has talent to back it up.