
Fair enough. If she does this to everyone, she does this to everyone.

I mean it’s Terry Gross. She’s basically a radio Freudian so she’s going to ask you all about your formative years and your sex life.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

“Not really intending to be tart” is not the same thing as “just kidding”. It was a clarification, given that it is often difficult to convey tone on kinja, and it was immediately followed by an agreement that “the power differential point is a real one.” I’ve not called you an asshole, nor accused you, explicitly

Huh. And here I’ve been thinking that the age difference between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is the very *least* troubling thing about their abusive wreck of a relationship. (not really intending to be tart--the power differential point is a real one, but about so much more than age)

While I appreciate your candor, I’ve got to say that they’re both grown ass women (i.e. Consenting adults) so let’s let them be.

If ever there were someone who should have read their own username before posting, by God you are that fucking person.

I’m grossed out by people who have problems with age differences.

Really? Age difference is still a thing?? I wear white after Labor Day. Dad’s black and Mom is white. Same sex marriage finally exists. How about the consenting adults thing? Kinda ageist, no?

Shut the fuck up, moron.

While I would have loved to see Holland Taylor’s reaction, it was so boss that she brought Marcia Clark for this.

I’m surprised this was her first win.... While I think Kirsten Dunst did the better job, Paulson is so fucking consistent--and kinda wish Holland Taylor had been in the audience.

Yeah I don’t think that last line is enough. The headline – and essentially the whole post – is pretty much stirring shit like, “smile pretty, honey.”

Julia gets a free pass for even being out in public this soon after her loss.

Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?

seven of those stabbed have already been treated and released from area hospitals. One remains hospitalized, though none of the injuries were deemed life-threatening.

Somebody on a major bender of heavy duty drugs. He was dangerously high and drunk on Dr Phil, to the point that it looked like a life threatening addiction. I do think he had something to do with her death though.

a) Criticizing someone for appropriating Harajuku is silly, because Harajuku itself borrows from non-Japanese cultures.

Explain how that's in any way racist.

That rape sequence was pure male fantasy, that she's just resisting because she feels like she has to in order to be chaste and therefore desirable. But if she gets a taste of what my Very Special Dick can do, she'll love it and beg for more, so I'm just going to keep ignoring her resistance. Fuck you, Spike.