
Sorry that I won’t want to support a person who approves of the slaughter of innocents. Or one who supports propping up institutions instead of people who need our help.

So you are okay with overly-bombastic, misleading shaming rhetoric?

I know what Sam’s saying, but as a citizen, it’s a hard pill to swallow to vote for Clinton.

She used the “putting Trump in the White House” shaming of third party voters. That is disgusting. Samantha is smarter than that and knows better. The Democratic Party does not stand for my ideals. I will not support them for President. I will vote down-ticket for them, but I will either abstain from the President

Afterwards Lochte told the crowd he feared for his life when a gun was placed to his head.

“The dog ate my debate prep” is so perfectly rude that when it’s aimed at Drumpf I can only cheer. Cher for press secretary.

Pepper spray. Also you should probably have a talk with your husband about how that isn’t helpful and being harassed by a man following you around is really unsettling. Maybe if he understood where you were coming from he would be more sympathetic.

More than ANYTHING, I’d need to have a really clear talk with my husband about the need for him to not dismiss and invalidate my upset feelings. That was really uncool and unfunny, and he really read your needs wrong on that one. You were upset and needed to feel safe and like he had your back, not further objectified

Also she is brilliant and politically active and engaged and wonderful and also tweets like a combination of your grandma and your 14 year old cousin. <3 <3

I honestly had no idea cops make six figures.

It should be a standing rule to not delete anything that reveals Chuck Johnson to be the piece of shit that he is. There should be a “Chuck Johnson Provision,” whereby it is considered illegal to NOT publish personal details about him.

There’s a lot of commenters on here that are praying for your demise. Just want to say there’s plenty of people that do not wish that in any way and that indeed support your decisions as a union. Ethics are incredibly important and the fact that mistakes have happened in the past does not mean you have to be doomed

In other words she’s doing exactly what AirBnb encourages people to do.

But...she’s a grown woman. There is no evidence she is incompetent. She can decide what level of safety is appropriate for her.

I agree that people shouldn’t be allowed to rent out non-compliant units. That makes them slumlords. But, you should be able to live in a tent on your own land if you want.

she’s no longer doing it, so chill.

Bingo! I think the whole push (by Parker, the cast and everyone else who has been vocal about it) to make people view this film as vital to the social justice education of the entire country (Parker: “If you’ve got injustice, this is your film!”; “We all need to heal!”) is disgusting. Especially considering the

I support Gabrielle Union, but I’m not going to see this movie. I already know the story of Nat Turner, I’m already an activist, I’m already angry and heartbroken and working my ass off to change things. As a survivor, the fact that this movie has violence and rape in it, and was led by a rapist, means that this movie

Ya know, I’m decent human being who likes engaging in conversations that would hopefully evolve our understanding of things and make the world a better place, but this movie is not for me and I don’t need to see it or support it to be a decent human being doing those things.

Even though it’s a huge team effort, fans couldn’t help but wonder if he would end up thanking his former flame if he won — since T-Swift could have been a source of inspiration.