
Correct! San Pedro Sula Honduras is a place so horrible and gang ridden that it begs the imagination. Women and children fleeing from this rapehole should be counseled and settled in this country as refugees. And, I’m not particularly left wing.

You know what the legal system was for the parents of 2 of people who ran for president this year? They showed up. That’s it. One foot on US soil and they were here legally. No fees, no waiting list, no lottery. Just get here.

Since Lena apparently dismissed my reply. I’ll repost it for you.

I’m a legal immigrant here - don’t speak for me, thanks. Treating their illegal immigration as a crime deserving of detention and deportation doesn’t make me feel better. It took me 10 years to get a green card and another 12 to gain citizenship. That was a crazy amount of time and it shouldn’t be so difficult for

The US ends up deporting a huge number of the undocumented immigrants. Obama has deported a record number of undocumented immigrants. Under his presidency he deported more than any other Presidents.

I think people from central America are the bulk of the people in detention centers like these. It costs thousands of dollars to file immigration application with a waiting list of years or even decades. If your family is in danger today, you can’t wait around for the chance you might get accepted several years from

They’re called refugees. Venezuela, Honduras, and El Salvador have the highest murder rates in the world. We’ve sent people back to their deaths by denying their asylum. Not figuratively, as in we put them in danger, literally, as in they died after we sent them back.

I wasn’t commenting on the larger issues of immigration and migrant workers.I’m talking about women (and children) being treated like dangerous criminals for simply existing.

Reading Fauziya Kausinga’s memoirs in college really opened my eyes to the plight of illegal aliens. We treat people who’s only crime is existing as if they ran into traffic naked firing shotguns into the crowd at random and peeing on babies while high on crack. Actually, I can imagine that guy as a DC supervillain.

The Doe and Roe situation in this article is very difficult to follow. Are they misnamed in some places or is my reading comprehension having a pre-coffee meltdown?

Pat the Rat McCrory- the ‘bathroom bill’ and an attempt at voter restrictions

Of course he did. How in the world would their paths meet other than that? She was a wannabe model when she met him. There’s no way she was prancing around state dinners and charity galas on her own merits.

I mean, he owned/had ties to a “modeling agency” that definitely had connections to escorting. I always assumed he got her from there.

I was just thinking that the damages she’s claiming are based on damage to her reputation. She’s married to Trump, how much damage could they do to her reputation?

I always assumed so as well, Trumps claims that she was a “very, very successful model” notwithstanding.

Dating men for money = bad.

This may make me a bad person, but I'd always assumed that's how they met, through an agency.

What’s not to like?

Exactly what I thought. Her entire marriage has been one long escort service call.

If part of this trial involves her having to convince the jury that she started dating Trump out of mutual attraction, I think she’s going to lose.