
What is this douchebag frat bro’s name who asked her if they had “consexual sex” as a way of tricking her and trying to help his bro get away with rape. He needs to NEVER be able to live that down!

Yes, it’s all his fault. Let’s blame him for getting pissed at someone trying to slice and dice one of his guests. That makes perfect sense.

He blamed her for the “alternation”!?! He never “hard” a racial slur!?! Oh nooos. So he blamed her for one side...and then the other...but only softly?

A transsexual playing a transvestite isn’t confusing at all.

Yawn. Thanks for the sleep aid.

If it was George Carlin, he’d have ripped Trump to shreds and even Trump supporters would have loved it.

So if Hillary says something about the other women, she is “horrible” but if Melania goes after the other women, she is “standing by her man”. Got it.

Or it’s possible that she’s just fucking rude. You do a disservice to people with mental health issues to pretend like she is a poster child for mental health issues.

I am remembering this right now.

Now that Paula’s own emotional needs are being met, she can see clearer.

Also, he is stringing along her friend.

You. You are a bullshitter. Anyone who watched it could see it was a crime. So what if the same judicial system that rationalizes murder every single day by our military says it wasn’t? RATIONAL people know it was. Please to be fucking off bullshitter.

And keep her from being able to be there reporting RIGHT NOW!

HER mom! The victim’s mom. I am betting it’s her, the mother’s, brother.

I am guessing it was the mother’s brother. Monstrous.

Ever see the movie Porky’s? Or Revenge of the Nerds? Yes, all men.

Oh my god! I am so sorry that happened to you.

I love his eyebrows! Those brows give him character.

Who promoted this dipshit?

Remember: NBC was going to cover for him.