
There are people who know Meat Loaf more for his role as the bus driver in Spice World than his role as Eddy in Rocky Horror Picture Show??!!

The most dangerous idea among people of color is that they start thinking that they are one of the ‘good ones’ and vote that way. Trump is an unfettered idiot, but he’s a product of the modern GOP. They all think this is fine and dandy and even justified in part by the fact that his mother did not stay gone, but kept

‘Bat Out Of Hell’ was awesome, he’s been irrelevant since then. And, apparently, an idiot to boot. 

Meat Loaf has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, so both this and the Republican support don’t surprise me.

♬ Hot patooty, bless my soul...

I don’t believe in Meat Loaf.

Good point—clearly the elimination of the black market via the continued legalization and regulation of marijuana nationwide is also a good idea.

After looking this kid up (again), I’m even more enraged by his sentence.

R Kelly is a perfect example of how art can't be separated from the artist. How can you ethically consume art without supporting the person who made it? How do you ignore the reflection of the artist's expression? You have to be heartless and willfully blind. It defeats the whole purpose of art.

Except all the profits go to a tiny cadre made up of Jeff Bezos and other insanely wealthy investors/stock holders, meanwhile everyday retail workers get laid off as their workplaces go belly-up because everyone + dog buys all their shit from Amazon.

I get it. It is convenient, plus you can find stuff you can’t get locally. But some people get carried away (especially with prime). Buying groceries on Amazon is downright silly IMHO.

Actually, what you mean is “quit and find another internet-based company unwilling to take that cash”.

I’m happy to say I’ve bought exactly one thing off Amazon in the last two years and it was a weed grinder. #FuckAmazon

I’m not really sure how you managed to know exactly why there are affiliate links that go against what the writers are writing, but also fault the writers for it.

I can guarantee they have no hand or even input on the department that sells the ad space.

Ah... When the bosses at GMG do force the staff’s hand at advertising Amazon then the staff has to advertise Amazon. I’m not sure it’s the staff’s fault. By rights the management could have any negative article about Amazon stricken from the blog and so far they hadn’t. Go figure.

Recycling is broken. can recycle cardboard..?

The point of the article is that creators pull this sort of thing all the time, often in total seriousness, and it’s not funny or unfunny, it’s just lazy. If you can’t be bothered to make a character LGBT within the story, then you don’t get free woke points for doing it in a tweet or whatever.

I know you mention it in the article but obligatory: