
Chuck Todd is an outright imbecile, and he needs to be fired.

What the fuck Chuck?

Acid washed emails?

That horse is no more than a dark stain on the pavement at this point.

He beats that horse, resurrects it, runs it through the Derby, beats it once more, and so on and so on for eternity.

Oh good he’s tweeting about Hillary’s emails again. Here I thought that we may have moved on from that

it’s.........literally in the fourth paragraph of this post

Frankly, I don’t know why April Ryan would ask that, knowing how unrepentant and a sociopathic he has been. This is just playing into his hands and his base to control the narrative. He had years to say something, but he didn’t because he can’t and won’t. He a racist and believes that Blacks ( except Kayne) are

Now, I can’t go calling all these things nasty and not admit I also like “nasty” things, too. I will mess up some scrapple any day of the week, and when I’m really feeling it, properly cooked pig feet with some vinegar is divine if you're into that unctuous/gelatinous thing.

I know it feels like the norm after so many years of Trump, but it wasn’t normal before him.

Less a newspaper caricature and more a comic book villain, as Trump had many cameos as the bad guy before he got elected president.

Now playing

Imagine for a second that these words were said by another politician anywhere else on the globe:

Plus? If the truth upsets you that much?? Then change your program, because the weaponized racism in the GOP is right out here in plain sight where literally everyone can see it.

Because people are stupid?


Now playing

So they always know where their towel is?

oldish white man here, and i say fuck old white men. not literally, unless that’s your thing, but fuck them, they shouldn’t be the ones making decisions that affect everyone else’s lives. Old White Men like Trump and his right-wing policy groupies are ruining the country and OWM from both parties have been doing it fo

Ewww, delete this.

Yeah, Trump has really leaned in to the laziness. He knows his supporters will rationalize anything he says, so he doesn’t bother trying to know what he’s talking about.

This dummy knows that he can make the laziest stab at conspiracy and his credulous supporters will eat it up.