
If he was my dad, I would be scheduling him a doctor appointment to check on his cognition, not aiding and abetting his destruction of the U.S. I don’t know a lot of 75 y/o men who say “bye bye.”

“I probably will do it, maybe definitely,”

I miss having a president who’s an actual adult.

Cryin’ Chuck, said bye-bye ... I really miss when the president spoke like a goddamn adult.

People told her about it in 2013. She said that she felt people were writing untrue things about him. She basically called all those women liars despite a lot of evidence. And even worse she is using her own trauma (which I am sorry she went through) to deflect that she called those women liars. It isn’t just that she

Fuck you! How fucking DARE YOU blame the victims for their victimization. Children CANNOT CONSENT, and they are not to blame for any of this.

Sorry excuse.  It would be one thing if this was in the 90s.  But it wasn’t like everyone didn’t know r Kelly was putrid trash 5 years ago. She just chose to ignore the victims for her own gain. 

The headline and first paragraph could make it seem that she was apologizing for being attacked, which isn’t the case. The reason for the apology was the time honored reason of “causing trouble” to the company.

Haha, fair enough, that looks like a word by word reply to what I said.

Japan, more so than other places in the world, has people rushing to it’s defense saying that it’s a different culture and we should respect the difference. Other places we in western society criticize and expect them to change, but not Japan, the sexualizing of youth and victim shaming is something that should be

nah, idol culture is totally fucked. theres also a lot of pressure on women in Japan to not rock the boat and cause problems, especially for their employer.

Fucking Japan and it’s misogynistic rape apologist culture.  

This is both horrific and infuriating. It also hits way too close to home—after being the victim of assault, being made to feel as though I was the one that had done something wrong. To have to deal with this so publicly... I can’t even imagine, and my heart goes out to her. If it’s true that another group member gave

At least she didn’t have to cut her hair as part of the apology.

Last I heard clothing doesn’t sexually or physically violate people. Last I heard dancing and modeling doesn’t violate people.

So, I’m thinking maybe you didn’t realize you initially responded to me, and not that commenter—though you quoted me, so I assumed it was safe to think you were speaking to me. That was likely the genesis of the misunderstanding. Regardless, we’re really not disagreeing on any salient points here. Misunderstanding

I see that you took issue with the language I used in my response to someone else, which I explained, and have no further explanation for, as there really wasn’t a deeper meaning behind it for me. To be honest, I’m actually really not clear on what other discontent you have with what I wrote in the article, since I

Nobody here would dispute that, nor has anything on this platform ever encouraged that. But doing so does little unless we simultaneously stop encouraging the “hunt and conquer” and entitlement mentality in our boys.

Oh yeah? I guess I get why the series is called “Die Hard” now. Thanks!

Evidently he can do so "accordingly".