
Hell, even if you’re in a coma, call someone in advance and make them Weekend-at-Bernie’s you to the polls.

Don’t even feed them lines, just control a grip of verified accounts and Yay/Nay any posts before they go out. Charge $100 per post - and if the client vetos you and their trash post ends up causing them bad press, then let that price-per-post creep up. Easiest gig ever.

That’s what I came to say.

“And so it is, thou shalt block the brown people whomst accost thee on the internet, for thou canst not call the authorities on them” - 1st Becky 1:6

This was so unnecessary. She could have just easily said, “OMG how could I forget?! I’m in good company ;)” and kept it moving. Instead she went all #WhiteFilmsMatter and it’s becoming a thing now.

Swear my ass shoulda gone into PR

“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”—Proverbs, 16:18

Hi from the road! Last time canvassing this election cycle 

If I got angry every time Brian Kemp did something racist I wouldn’t have any adrenaline left.

And if R Kelly goes to jail I’ll piss on your cat.” I fucking miss the boondocks.

Omfg, the User Name + Comment synergy.

Now playing

Yeah that was the part that really turned me off. He has been through hell? The rich and famous man who’s gotten to live out his greatest dreams for his entire adult life? Internationally recognized for sparkling wit and incisive commentary? He who has millions of adoring fans and millions of dollars? HE has been

Didn’t Rock go like full Riley Escobar; “If you don’t wanna get pee’d on, get out the way?" 

At least he didn’t compare himself to Emmett Till. Or joke that he needs reparations. (Extremely low standard, I agree.)

I want Louie, Alec and any other troubled/controversial white folks to keep
“black people/black men/black women/black kids/black aunties/black barbershops...everybody black” out of their mouths. 

Some people love to dismiss trigger-warning culture. They say millennials are entitled snowflakes who want to be handled with kid gloves while they, in turn, show little patience for the feelings, priorities or subjectivity of others. I think that argument’s unfair, reductive and inflexible. Generally.

This is what you get when you hire someone based on election results.

“Top Youth Soccer Recruits for Trump”

A day late to the party, but I'll share.

I grew up on an Indian Reservation in the Dakotas. My father became rather traditional as he got older, and being aware of the spirits that are constantly around us is a huge part of Sioux spirituality. The Cheyenne believe that once something terrible happens in a place, it