
Ugh...for someone with problematic takes previously, this is yet another problematic, bad take. It was gross. Just...ew.

We need to repeal FOSTA and SESTA, and provide proper channels for sex workers to have safety within their trade.

My understanding was they had 2 balloons - the one that flew was a larger one but the smaller one they were carrying to troll/protest that fat orange idiot was the one this examplar of wypipo-ness ended up stabbing.

And here we will have a thousand repubs coming out to say how they “know what’s in his heart” and he’s “really a nice guy”. Yeah. Except if you’re LGBTQ (me), an immigrant (also me), or someone else he finds to be “part of the problem”.

Yet another reason why this entire “Hey so Biden is clearly the frontrunner” bullshit angers the hell out of me.
Why such fawning coverage over a not-great VP who had questionable positions and had a....not-great voting record? I fail to understand why people think this is the person who will get us beyond the current

It took me a long time to be able to trust anyone and honestly I still don’t, not really. It wasn’t easy and I definitely feel you on that.
It sucks and I’m sorry you had to deal with that shit too.

Hey, it’s something I had to do also. That was a few years ago and I don’t live in NY anymore. We talk sometimes but not really.
It was just one incident that brought into pretty stark relief that she had some really upsetting views about poc, and that to her I was probably just “one of the better ones” (not even “one

Shit, you’re right.

It is.

Lol dude didn’t even try that hard to deny his in-law’s racist ass bullshit, but damn. That money must be good or something. Like I get he’s the president etc. but dude, who do you think is going to fall for these lines?
Him and his wife think that somehow this entire shitshow is just gonna blow over and they’re going

He legit looks like older Biff, but sleazier somehow. Like, he always had a similar look. The new ‘do just makes it look more pronounced.

Because we have a goddamn clown car of white men thinking “I can run against this godawful white dude!” without much reason to believe them except their own egos.

Oh, good. Well as long as the staffer who did this had remorse.

See, a lot of comics from SNL have reported how incredibly demanding etc. that Lorne is.

I mean...the most that happens is I eat too much of something, empathize a little *too* strongly with whatever person I’m watching in whatever series is on, and then I pass out on the couch only to drag myself to bed after realizing that dishes still need washing and fuck it, that’ll wait till morning.

I usually don’t have a really chunky sauce - what I do is use a carrot and then plunge an immersion blender in - get the natural sugars *and* no chunky carrot bits.

Bernie, Bernie.
Please, just go. Really? I mean, really? I was a supporter of yours until HRC got the nom and voted for her because, well, look at the shit we have now.

So I checked the results of this poll - thanks for linking the data, seems OK but calling people via landline is already a small sample size vs. say an online poll, though those are equally self-selecting.

As someone with 2 kids whose ex had them before gender reveal parties, I find them ludicrous-a baby shower isn’t enough?

“Hey who brought in the lasagna? It looks like it’s gone off.”