The only music anyone “should” listen to is whatever music speaks to them personally.
The only music anyone “should” listen to is whatever music speaks to them personally.
I hate this. It doesn’t add sexuality, it adds labels. It adds walls where it should have been pulling them down, just like irl. It was perfectly fluid the way it was. You could still create a Sim and play them gay by only interacting with same gender Sims. All this has done is *removed* the option to play as…
By itself, nah just a stupid tweet, but tbh “the straw that broke the camel’s back” springs to mind if you look at the whole situation. The single player market has been treated like trash for the last 15 years, even all those “amazing” narrative driven single players that came out on last gen were mostly fetch quests…
Nah sorry, acknowledging that something is gross is not the same as being angry about it or trying to control anyone else, it’s just venting and hoping that *someone* else out there finds it as gross as you do when the whole world seems saturated with people who don’t.
Not complaining but gotta ask why lol. Did you collect them? Try to build some kind of 8bit synthesiser? What's the story there?
I’ve got an old GBC in a drawer...or a cupboard...or tossed in the bottom of my closet or...idk it’s somewhere. It worked last time I checked, I think like a year or two ago. If anyone’s really that incensed by this please, please do feel free to place your bids cuz it’s a piece of obsolete junk that I'll happily…
I like this article, it is funny.
This is impressive. I have used PCSX2, it’s a nice emulator. That said I will admit that I still have a PS2 hooked up to a CRT in my bedroom. I am not sorry.
Seems I’m an outlier :\
Tbf “looks like Martin Septim” is one of the only alternatives to “looks like a potato” or “wtf is that??” for an human in Oblivion. I loved that character creator for the range of options it gave if you were willing to be patient with it, but it was also SO easy to create an abomination with one slip of the upper…
Came here expecting this too...Was even more convinced at “wait people thought they were red triangles?”
People who get dramatic about mild displeasure do kinda suck sometimes tbh, not “people who feel things".
I played VIII as a kid and promptly forgot about it for 20 years. I was an 11 year old tomboy and it got mentally filed under “boring love story” with “too much grind” (yeah I know, I was doing it wrong).
Is the Fellowship of the Ring a whole book or one third of the whole book that is the Lord of the Rings? I’ve always been in camp B on that, but camp A isn’t technically wrong. Now if you substitute the word “book” with “story”, that’s when camp A’s argument is weaker. You can do exactly the same for this game. Saying…