
How unusal.

Thanks, I had no idea that something I described as ‘nothing terrific’ is not a good film. This is my first day ever writing in English and visiting your planet.


Obvious Spurs fan is obvious.

And if you can’t be nice then maybe you should quit commenting.

That was pretty great! Tiny pronunciation quibble: the second ‘w’ in “Warwick” is silent; it’s “worrick”, not “war-wick”. English names!

An explanation of what the hell logarithms actually are, from the comments section of a lesson at No teacher in high school, or professor in college, ever explained what the hell a log() was. It took some random person on the internet to finally teach me what the point of this seemingly

Yeah, Drew Magary, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


I'm really sick of these thugs and the constant attention they get on this website. Can we go a couple of weeks without mentioning the NCAA?

The deal was that if he won 3 championships he'd get Road-Going GTR#1, the car that has only ever left the UK once.

What can you do that would be similar for those who are over enlistment age?

Love will solve everything. In fact love is a physical phenomenon that can change the nature of reality. Also, metaphysics and physics are the same thing, because they both end in "physics." HULK ANGRY WITH BULLSHIT WOO COP-OUT TROPE.

The trope It's Not You It's My Enemies, where the hero distances himself from his love interest because he's afraid his enemies might go after her if they ever find out about his secret identity. What I find annoying about this trope is that the hero's enemies won't care if the hero and love intrest are together or

Yeah, I agree. Like, Simmon's lab partner was a nice bumbling middle aged guy, but he still thought genocide was pretty awesome. Why? I dunno.

Well, if you want to go there, I hold three degrees in music performance, the final one being a DMA, which is a Doctor of Musical Arts, essentially a PhD in performance. I've been playing for almost 40 years now, and am the principal trumpet in an orchestra, a position that I have held for 20 years, and have taught

I made the mistake of watching The Bourne Ultimatum the night before seeing The Bourne Legacy, and fully one half of The Bourne Legacy is made up of stuff from Ultimatum repurposed to show that Jeremy Renner was running around at the same time as Matt Damon. It's pointless and silly — why not just start Legacy off by

Next time Jalopnik asks for what people think are 'the best posts,' this will be on that list for me. This and E30 rally car. Great read.

Well... that was completely unwarranted, inappropriate, and unnecessary.

Kyle, while you are entitled to your opinions, there are clearly several people (myself included) who vehemently disagree with you. My advice to you is this: try to consider several points of view before you publish your work. If you want Gizmodo to be taken seriously, you've got to appeal to all of your readers, or