
“John Cena has to be the second most-loved American celebrity made famous by wrestling, right?”

so is there any talk of bringing that back then? i mean the investment in kinja has already happened now..

I mean, wasn’t this the whole point of “everyone has a personal kinja page” that gawker introduced

oh boy I can’t wait for the speedy release of part 2 of this story...

So is there an obvious solution to this? I mean I don’t know what marvels marketing tactics have been, but if they are still targeting this at the same core (presumably young and white) buyers, then maybe they need to do a better job of selling this to a new audience?

On the balls, city!

if you want to be like deadpool, then maybe they should offer squirrel girl underwear?

and we finally get an end to the dea’s foolproof plan to keep alex’s dad working for the dea a big secret: just assume alex’s mum says nothing to her daughter about it, ever, and in no way really try and keep it a secret, henshaw didn’t even seem suprised when alex knew about the secret mission him and her dad went

especially as, for her entire life up until the pilot, Alex had been lying and manipulating Kara into not being herself, while also hiding her job and identity from her, which was apparently all fixed with a single heartwarming conversation ( similar situation between Alex and her mum too) and I do hope it isn’t the

as a brit, I went to the jacksonville bills game, and absolutely loved it, ive only recently gotten into american football, its definiately a growing sport here, and its kinda limited in how popular it can be when the games go on till 3am+ can be, but it is growing

“don’t waste your fantasy pick on him” they said, well who’s laughing now? marriota is, from my bench as I played stafford...

best motorbike videos i’ve seen were the jamie robinson (?) for hell for leather, where it showed him driving beautiful country, eating greasy food,
and if your looking for any ideas, do you know what happened to the honda cross cub? it looked like an awesome off road capable scooter, but no word on it since

well assuming the distance is 10 miles, the plane is flying at 10 miles an hour, so an hour there an hour back, but imagine the wind is also 10 miles an hour, so half an hour there (going 20 miles an hour) but infinite time back (0 miles an hour) so longer

as someone who would consider himself extroverted (and described by most people that know me well as extroverted) I really struggle talking to new people, being shy and extroverted are quite the uncomfortable pair I can tell you! :D

Shyness is something I've always struggled with, It made me assume I was introverted for a long time, as most articles online dont really distinguish between the two things, but I really love being around other people,

I remeber hearing that ron dennis made a deal with lewis hamilton that if he won 3 championships he'd get one of those cars, unsure if it was true, and unsure if it was agreed that they had to be won with mclaren

this is what I find so grating with aaron sorkin programs, with its love of fast talking smart guys; I know they're in the right, THEY know they're in the right, everyone but the "generic corporate suit/republican/clowns" they're debating with know they're right, and generally the smart guy is also more powerful than

I've still never been able to really hate ward the way alot of people here seem to, partly because he just seems like someone who is truly messed up, partly because having someone tell him what a "monster" he is several times every episode, when he's already locked up in a secure facility, just feels like an easy

i think it worked well having him already become a superhero and have his gang all in episode one, the nature of the arrow is that it took alot of time for him to get his powers, and we got to watch those happen on screen, the flash got his powers instantly, so that cuts down on some time

Now playing

this video is possibly only available to brits, they set up a group of paintballers on one side of no mans land, and then told the test subject to get across, shows how, in the face of relentless machine gun fire, trenches made alot of sense