biannual means occurring twice a year, if its not for another 14 months, did you mean it happens every two years, in which case Biennial would be the correct term
biannual means occurring twice a year, if its not for another 14 months, did you mean it happens every two years, in which case Biennial would be the correct term
for playing music I use the spotify app, the ability to easily queue songs, and search for anyones I dont have downloaded and play instantly to me is pretty good, though I mostly listen to podcasts (bbc mainly) on my ipod touch, and itunes is still the easiest option I have for finding, downloading, and keeping track…
plus evernote has a plugin called "CLEARLY" that strips the articles down to their text for easy reading too
you may also like i use that, long reads, and longform, all 3 have alot of the same content, i prefer how thebrowser is layed out, and the abstract for each article they do is pretty good at giving you the lowdown
for a supposed "secret", you guys do spend an awful lot of time talking about it
i had no idea these were limited stock (asuming last story, and pandora's tower is the same too) if i had know i would mabye have picked them up at the time, seeing as they are now prohibitively expensive ( i rememeber the xenoblade and classic controller combo being pretty normally priced) this is in the UK, and the…
I remeber hearing about this years (it felt like years, sure it was along time) ago, it sounds really interesting, whats the reason its taken so long to become a fully fledged game? i mean im aware these things take time, but i thought this was being tested years ago?
what are you guys defining a "lifehack" as vs just something that is a faster or quicker way to do something, or is anything that gets anything done better or faster a "lifehack" for me the tips i find the most useful are specific tips for specific situations (putting the complete set of bedding inside its matching… These feminists?
have any of you guys read this article?…
I hadn't really thought about a fundamental difference between money and skill games, the best add money options onto a skill game to give you extra flexibility, the worst make the skill so hard that you almost grudgingly give money,…
as someone learning to drive in the UK, we have to do our test (and by extension learn to drive) in a manual car if we want to drive manual, if we only do the test in an automatic, you can only drive an automatic. can you guys learn in an automatic, and then drive a manual then?
i think you can get rid of them in the options, you can choose what sort of weapons you get, if that helps?
plus I think the bit at the start saying "he's looking for fame, thats why he's doing these assasination contracts" well thats just trying to just slide a personality into the exact same things that were in the previous games, which doesnt give me too much home for this guy having much of an actual personality
I think the games just try and be too complex for their own good, batman plays as a similar sort of game, but for me just plays alot more satisfyingly, it sounds like even in the 4th game of the series (AC III) the tutorial goes on forever, i just finished ACII and even towards the end of that they were still showing…
well they can still torrent the actual version, but for those who actually want to pay the developers for the game they play, then this gives them an opportunity to do so, buy this then torrent the actual one
I never really know if its best to be doing exersize in the morning (before, or after breakfast?) after lunch, before dinner, or right at the end of the day. nutritionally will eating before/after have that much of an effect? assuming you eat 3x a day regually anyway?
though perhaps this is a good argument in favour of an xbla type compulsory trial/demo, though im aware some games lead themselves better to demos than others it it would hopefully remove any disadvantage from producing a demo, and put more focus on producing a good game
As someone who has bought mabye 3 games in the last 2 years, and have about 150 demos (including arcade and indie) on my hard drive, I usually just live off demo's, though less demos probably wouldnt lead me buying any more new games, i'd probably just try and find a cheap game, or just replay the games and demos i…
It does seem alot of people will be more likely to see others as extroverts, its partly sampling bias, as you only see other people (by definition) when your with them, so they seem more social. the number of people I see who talk about themselves as introverts but all the people around them seems to really be at odds…
if anyone flies with the star alliance, the quickest way to get to gold (and silver) status, is with agean airlines, their air miles rewards would be hard to get if you actually flew with them, as they are mostly just greece, but I just flew london - San Fran with united (also part of star alliance) and so could use…