
I have to say I don't see much in this article talking about why we need better developers? they feel forced to give too-low budgets to the publishers or they won't get approved? that doesn't really seem on them too much, its practically the nature of all areas where bidding for money is done

I too am looking for a resolution to this especially as the author is now getting a bit passive agressive "Not sure why I'm explaining this since you "obviously" know better. " just be thankfull, as in the older commenting system, you'd have been banned for this (I rememeber people getting banned for alot less,

for me, the trouble is that when it started, no one signed up for a supernatural show, whereas I was expecting mystery, and as the plot started thickening, It made the payoff all the more vital

Is it OK to add Firefly, and the moment it started to suck being when EVERYONE STARTED TELLING ME HOW MUCH I NEED TO SEE IT OMG ITS SO GOOD...ive enjoyed a few episodes, and the film, but the level of praise it gets, and the lengths my friends have gone to to try and get me to watch it, and then to try and watch my

OJ's endorsement of a Ford Bronco Probably didn't help them out too much

I still don't really see what the problem with the old, old commenting system was, when it was all in a long vertical list, and you could expand any replies, I'd love to see some stats on how many comments get replies to them now, on the previous kinja system, it was usually the first 2 or 3 comments got lots of

ah just checked the twitter bio, which states "This account is run by Organizing for Action staff. Tweets from the President are signed -bo" so, he still will indicate if it actually is him sending the message, but i assumed before that if it didn't say that, it was like someone nearby instead who did, all rather

from some of the forum comments, david warner may STILL be a dr, the questions he was asking clara seemed quite direct, and his name "the professor" does invoke something similar, though he did fire a gun, so who knows

I thought if he ends the tweet with b.o, then it was from him, or has it come out that he doesn't even do/dictate those? he doesn't do them often so id have thought he would

Trying to work out what movie a picture thats often used as a meme/annotated picture is from

I know some stories will be published multiple times, especially the apple type ones, but one of the reasons I read more gizmodo than engadget is that I liked the wider scope of gizmodo, it talked about a wider range of stuff, and rather than being the definitive source for any one area, nor were they the most

100% on arkham city? thats impressive, I got 100% in the main mode of aslylum, but couldn't get max scores on predator and fighting modes,

well reposting from a variety of sources is one thing, and means I can visit one website for cool stuff, and let gizmodo do all the hunting, but if pretty much all their doing is reposting from reddit, xkcd, other gawker sites, and the verge (having started using feedly, I usually see an article about the same thing

Now playing

pretty sure guiness use a machine like this, some place don't have it on tap, but instead have these special cans which they pour into the g lass and onto a plate like this, will try and find what they're called

I remember using that about 7-ish years ago, I cant remeber what track it was, but they were the only place online that I could listen to it easily, glad to hear its still around

I think the fact they both joined at the same time was really good, and enabled a better dynamic to form, as opposed to the usual "meet someone new after an episode of lonliness and off we go" it was the same with Rose, though she ended up being closer to tennants dr than ecclestones

i think its meant in the same way that people can say justin bieber is having a "hard time" at the moment, when he's still making tons of money, and liked by millions of little girls

gossip girl was effectively a whole TV SERIES framed through the website

I used to feel sick watching any valve games play, im better now but I almost threw up watching my friend play through portal 1