
I found that really good, for example in battalion wars, you could gently press the shoulder button to lock on, and then click it to change target

I bought a component cable for my wii for like 50 pence on amazon, and the games, especially the cool watercolour effecct on skyward sword, looks really good on it, I would have got a cable like that for the gamecube too they weren't ludicrously expensive,

Now playing

incase people were unaware, I believe its based off this video, which was made by an australian train authority to stop people going onto tracks, the cartoon characters in it are awesome

I always thought the apple falling on newtons head was a science myth?

yeah the serat killing people, then getting let off as a loveable scamp each week got really silly, and the only reason they gave was that "the people wouldn't allow it" as if the people didnt realise he was a mobster who threatened and terrorised them

every week they seem to knock on serrats doors, threaten to kill him, then let him go, then he goes on to do yet more terrrible things, god I wish they'd just kill him and all his thugs, rather than dragging out his porly written "baddie" character

always check behind the toilet for a bomb...caus you just never know

ah good old green arrow, who kills the henchmen on sight, but always gives the big bad boss a chance to redeem themselves, because as we know, redemption is only for the rich

aren't those the same specs as the 610 though? whats the difference?

I think the problem this show has is that: firstly, there is too little of a grey area, obviously to keep tension on the ship high, they need to have people with different views, but in reality I find it hard to imagine that people wouldn't support the captain, his position seems just too strong, I'm sure no one on - this is the link direct to the product page, it has a download link on it that works too

I don't understand what this has to do with game theory, as oppose to just classical economics of supply and demand?

Now playing

I think i'll yell at the moon with buzz aldrin and liz lemon!

VOTE: Spotify

got to see these guys support the flaming lips in the UK in birmingham, was probably the best gig i've ever been to, both groups were amazing (tho was there to see flaming lips - who were incredible)

I have a random article from simple wikipedia as my starting page for google chrome, though it worked better a few years ago when most of there articles were "big" ones, now im just as likeley to get a 1978 canadian basketball team stats, but its still interesting

It all seemed a bit of a missed opportunity I thought, once you knew zoidberg had everything but the brain,it was just a matter of time before frankenstein hermes was made, so it got a bit tedious waiting for that to happen, and then I at least thought they might go the interesting route of having the frankenstein

as I opened the link to this article, i thought, "finally, an interesting looking article thats more than just a press release or a link to something that's already appeared on Reddit or somewhere else" then i get here to find that its actually a WSJ article, this has happened alot with the articles from "Wired" on

i think I must be missing something, when he compares it to rock paper siscors (R-P-S), if you were to play a 3 way game in R-P-S then you could end up with everyone playing a different hand and each person beating one, and loosing to another, this CAN'T happen with dice, if one person rolls a 3, another a 4, and the