
@Ajh: mabye its for people who use their NES as their home computer?

@RawrSpoon: then try going out and talking to women!

@Jonn: *glares*

@WhatTheFrag: though an ipod touch 8gig probably wouldn't be too expensive

there were only 13 games on the PC list, and over 40 on the 360 list! seems a little unfair on the pc, seeing alot of the titles on this list are available on the pc too

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: i wasn't able to disable it, but you can switch off the sound, so it doesn't say "virus database updated" or whaveter, after that its not too bad, and your hardly notice the popups on their own #antivirus

@AncientUnknown1: so, you're statement of "GU comics getting [you're] vote" was actually a subversion of the concept of fanboyism, through the use of sarcasm, and not actual fanboyism?

not sure about other webcomics, but Jeph Jacques, the guy behind questionable content, updates twitter pages for his characters in that, so i made one featuring all of those if anyone is interested?

@SchuylerCarson: these were voted for by readers of lifehacker, so the five most popular as voted for by the readers were selected, there is no bias here, mabe a higher percentage of mac users use twitter than windows users

so i guess yahtzee isn't going to get to review this one then :(

@excel_excel: lol, yup, wii will fall into last place and its the year of linux going mainstream too :)

@Mancomb Seepgood: through lots of research and development by one of the richest companies in the world?

@funcmode: i've tried using my 360 controller like that, as it seems more functional, and quicker than changing index finger from one to the other but i just can't seem to use my middle fingers as delcately as the index ones...i gues it just takes practice is all

@Jonathan Simon: where abouts does the add to itunes thing appear? i haven't been able to find it

@jamesjohnson01: upon reading that last line, i may have felt the need to change my pants...

@Koztah: when playing four person nightfire, there was nothing worse than being just about to snipe someone, thene hearing the person next to me say, "eek" n move out of the way.arrggh the frustration, well, in a good way, though not everyone looked at other peoples screens, it forced us all to snipe faster, for

@Mark Patterson: i think that, its a 256 player maps, so a max of 128 people per team, and i do assume that they can all be in the same map at once, its just they really hope that people will stick to seperate boundaries (for tactical reasons, more than anything else)