
What?! I wasn’t a Bernie supporter, but Trump is not his fault. Millions of Americans being just fine with racism and sexism is what gave us Trump.

They think science tries to prove that God doesn’t exists, which upsets them. 

This statement implies willful ignorance--or a desire to cover for hateful statements made by others because, “It’s on Twitter, it’s not serious, lulz.”

At the moment, here in the US, we have a POTUS who tweets more often than he engages with the public or the press—and his tweets have the weight of his office behind

Lol so youre saying you have multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars just chilling in the bank? Assuming youre not full of shit and have any idea what medical treatment actually costs, you really think poor people can save up that kind of money? Lol stop trolling

I loved the white, but I was blown away by how he managed to sneak in VOICE...Victims of Illegal immigrant crime?? Pretty flagrant.

Again, although we’re used to the concept of a malicious politician creating harmless distractions to implement a nefarious agenda, this time almost nothing is a distraction. It’s all awful shit. The Frederick Douglass thing is the most benign item you listed, but Cabinet picks and Steven Bannon are absolutely big

I’m actually part of a grassroots organization that releases chemtrails not for money, but for the love of chemtrails.

Dumb bs? trump being blackmailed by the russians to be their puppet is dumb? Get out of here with that crap.

wow.. just.... wow. reading how you just can not back down... :O

1984 is gonna be Book of the Year for 2017.

D. Trump

I did, in the cutscene after I noticed him walking around in the background behind the tree in the fenced off area you can’t go too. Went back in the store to try and find one but all I got was annoying Zubats that automatically SOS making ending a battle without running impossible (SOS battles are literally the worst

I just re-read 1984, and it’s terrifying how prescient Orwell was. What you are describing is doublethink, the ability to hold two contradictory ideas in your mind and believe them both. It’s how the Trump Youth were able to say with a straight face that if Trump won, he won, but if Clinton won, it was rigged. Now we

While McKinnon did a good bit, the RL Conway is every atom responsible for her actions. She picked her poison. Let her swallow the full draught and suffer for it.

Why does this movie need connection to real world? Why cant it just that the hero is lone survivor of some village what was destroyed by X monster and he is on a hunt for that. It doesnt need any connection to real world

After Mary Todd threw all the china at the wall he changed his relationship status to it’s complicated.

This is the essential problem with hero worship. Instead of alternately lauding and vilifying people, we can just commend or denounce their actions. If there are no heroes, and only heroic ACTIONS, this would all be a lot easier. McCain, at one point in his life, did some very selfless and honorable things. Then, at a

How is it going to work that his kids get security clearance when they’re running his businesses? There’s supposed to be a firewall there.