Well, if those children are born before their mothers can be deported, these shitbags would use it to validate their “anchor baby” claims. Push their anti-choice agenda and plant a seed of truth they can distort into the boogie man immigrant.
Well, if those children are born before their mothers can be deported, these shitbags would use it to validate their “anchor baby” claims. Push their anti-choice agenda and plant a seed of truth they can distort into the boogie man immigrant.
Preparing for a move myself and I’ve uncovered about half a dozen. I wish recycling electronics were easier. My area has very few drop off points for electronics waste, and one of most accessible points had stopped taking CRTs.
Part of the program will include how to deal with the aftermath of avoidable sex. Techniques will include having your buddy pay off your partner to never speak of it again.
I’ll take the spider humping over being humped by the Donald.
To his credit, that shows a lot more creativity than he’s ever displayed in his shitty comic strip.
Hmm, could the ol’ “lost in the mail” trick be why he’s been raging about Amazon and the post office?
The truth is out there.
And some changes are really stupid, e.g. literally means figuratively. It’s pretty useful to have the clarity of a word that only means literally.
Forget about accidents, the in vitro process creates multiple fertilized eggs for implantation in hopes that one takes. If these people truly believed that life begins at conception, why aren’t they harassing would-be parents as serial killers?
This is how I’ll undo the weight gain from stress-eating my way through year one of President Cheeto.
Feeding the homeless?! They will never learn to pick themselves up by the bootstraps that way!
And Ivanka is in the back like “Why didn’t I ever think of that move?”
You can find an in depth answer in season 1, episode 5 of the Uncertain Hour (https://www.marketplace.org/2016/06/22/wealth-poverty/uncertain-hour/s01-5-pregnant-we-can-help). In short, they explained how block funds granted through the federal program TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, a.k.a. welfare) are…
Living just outside of Pittsburgh, I’ll warn: don’t get your hopes up. Liberal ideas don’t have much footing outside of city limits. There are still people with Trump signs stuck in their yards and, despite living in a state that fought for the Union, I see Confederate flags a few times a week. I doubt even a…
When will the Otti on ghost violence end?
Aren’t all words in German a minimum of 35 syllables?
I don’t. The practice of tipping is laden with biases. If you’re older or a person of color, it’s likely that you won’t be making the same tips as your younger, white co-workers. Just pay servers an honest wage instead of this nonsensical alternative minimum wage, especially for those workers whose duties extend…
We don’t live in a world where truth matters. Ancient fairy tales take precedent over actual scientific truth in this and nearly every facet of life.
I’d be alright with it if he went down as the first president removed from office. That’d be a beautiful legacy.
You have not met Bazelguese. It aggressively targets players and other monsters. He flys. He firebombs. He has no concept of mercy.
Some of that is due to players. You can trip, flashbomb, and KO monsters, resulting in them swinging wildly or flailing on the ground.