#tendergate if you know what I’m saying.
#tendergate if you know what I’m saying.
No longer satisfied with spanking it to Ivanka and unable to be spanked by Ivanka, he turns to his final refuge, being spanked with Ivanka.
Where does Gwyneth Paltrow rank with all her Goop nonsense?
Why would he sleep with her? She looks nothing like Ivanka.
If I recall correctly, his “church” is a studio in his home basement where he records. It was featured in a piece CNN did when he was denying/defending his exaggerated credentials with the preposterous claim that his website had been hacked.
Trump’s first tweet is just part of a pattern of regurgitating whatever he’s seen on Fox and Friends (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/huppke/ct-met-fisa-trump-tweets-fox-huppke-20180111-story.html). Over at Politico, Matt Gertz did a pretty good analysis of this last week. (https://www.politico.com/magazine/…
I wonder what Donny will say when the long overdue market correction happens. Will the Dow, like the job reports in years when he wasn’t president, suddenly become a lie?
The most reasonable response so far.
Docking. That is all.
That reminds me of the time someone that previously occupied my college dorm put an open can of tuna in the heating vent. My roommate accused me of being the source of the smell for weeks. The disgust at our discovery overwhelmed any sense of vindication.
If a house and savings are your measure of success, then Bitcoin has been very successful for some. The same rampant speculation that drove this crash is present in other financial markets. There’s nothing inherent in Bitcoin that compelled people to foolishly leap at the prospect of a quick buck.
I think this bumped Dar William’s “The Christians and the Pagans” out of my top holiday song slot.
My choices are also Comcast or Verizon, but Verizon only offers 15Mbps which doesn’t qualify as high speed internet by the FCC’s standards. So despite living within 20 miles of major metropolitan area, I really have only one choice for high speed internet.
C’mon, the GOP knows you’ve been spending your money on booze, women, and films instead of using that tax credit to save for your unborn child’s education.
A lot of places seem nice as you pass through, but I live here. You take a 15 minute drive from downtown and you’ve got the guy that paints a swastika on his Steelers flag because players protested (http://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/homeowner-paints-swastika-on-pittsburgh-steelers-flag/615301428). Step outside of…
Please leave Trish alone, but by all means go to town this shitty city that flips shit over players’ peaceful protest but loves their rapey Roethlisberger.
Blame the Department of the Interior. (I forget where I’m stealing this joke from.)
I would love to play this with no slow done, but I was lured away by the Xbox’s siren song.
But don’t you remember the bit when Christ fed the masses with fish and bread, but not until everyone completed a full survey of their complete sexual history?
There was a recent study by French scientists may have identified a possible cause for dyslexia, but the sample size is small. The results seem pretty stark though.