
A corporation can own that turkey’s body, but never its soul. Ajit Pai on the other hand....

Lost to the dementia.

Maybe, just maybe, people would have preferred a game where they could play as their own created hero rather than a bunch of D-listers. Nah, what am I thinking? That’s a crazy idea.

Woolie, is that you?

This has to be. I mean the Magic School Bus was funded, in part, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to which this administration has proposed severe cuts. If she really had any admiration for this show and what it attempts to do for children., she would stand up to her boss and tell him to keep his

Much like his 4chan-consuming base, he’s a believer in meme magic.

Variety bags are they loot boxes of the candy isle.

Ah, the vienna sausages of sausage fingers...

Meh, it’s no Buckley, but I’ll agree that there’s no point in using the medium of comics to just type out a rant. The visuals add nothing to the point he’s making.

But they’re doing their damnedest to change that with every nonsense restriction they can impose.

It is truly terrifying how much they’ve done to strip reproductive rights in less than a year from attacking Planned Parenthood’s funding to allowing “religious objections” to birth control.

This article was days (weeks?) too late to get out in front of that train.

That right will be reserved exclusively for mistresses.

You’ve got to understand magnitudes of infinity. Between 1 and 2 there are an infinite amount of numbers (1.1, 1.11, 1.111...), but none of those numbers are 3. In all the universes in which humans exist, there isn’t necessarily one where Donald isn’t a shit bag.

Someone needs to stand up and talk about the war on Halloween. Christmas shit is already pushing it off the shelves.

Apparently, stem cells are magic. Jesus is magic. Ergo stem cells is Jesus.

And threatening to carry us into MadMaxLibs territory.

Grolar bears are real, my friend, though some refer to them with the much less fearsome name, pizzly bears.

The Emperor would like his face on a coin and for his adoring public to give him a “Roman” salute.

You’ve got to admit he really captures that gassy/constipated look Trump does.

That was part of this week’s This American Life. One of Devos’ associates described her kind of help as “not the patronizing kind”. Ironically, Devos was paying half the tuition for the girl’s preferred high school and employing both the girl and her mother as cleaning staff, an act that fits the very definition of