But then we’d miss out on all those great Melissa McCarthy performances. It’s a double-edged sword, my friend.
But then we’d miss out on all those great Melissa McCarthy performances. It’s a double-edged sword, my friend.
And look I found the first draft of the budget proposal:
Maybe their insurance will cover a faith healer? Con men are all the rage these days.d
Maybe their insurance will cover a faith healer? Con men are all the rage these days.d
Is it too late to swap him into position as President?
People are talking and saying it’s a child sex ring run out of a pizza place, but I only know what they say on the internet.
Using the same header will let those assholes sift you out easier. Make it unique so they have to take the time to open it.
Right over the Mexican border, of course. That’s how his chain link fence will keep us safe.
Oh no, he’s expanded someone’s knowledge without being aggressive and while displaying some graciousness. What a fucking twat!
Have you never seen the Emperor’s New Groove or do you simply have no heart?
Man, isn’t that a perfect reflection of this year? Read something untrue and defend it to the death.
I’m sure her boss could recommend a fine selection of them.
The outcome was pretty obvious. I’d say a good prank defies expectations.
People believed mad things well before the internet. There has been panic about Dungeons and Dragons enslaving children to satanic beliefs, lunatics that thought they’d hitch a ride away on a comet, and people afraid to use a public toilet for fear of catching HIV. These sort of beliefs will grow in any kind of media…
That seems like a convenience for a few while being a nuisance for most. It takes the best features of Pokenav and forces them down your throat.
Pokebank, my friend. I have at least two pokemon I’ve brought up from Emerald. (Though perpetual battle may be worse than abandonment.)
On a positive note, Jones would be very disappointed to learn there are no aliens or reptilians.
Trump is 70. So how was it not a factor for him, but a matter of months would be a factor for Warren?
With his children operating the “blind” trust, I suspect his businesses will do quite well while Americans foot the bill.
My magic 8-ball says definitely when asked if he’ll drop that. Like many of his campaign promises, it was said to rile up his base. The practicality and probability of it passing is nigh zero.